Is he a person who puts a metal coil coated with a synthetic fungus in a incidentally detected block inside a small coronary artery and sends the bill to the Insurance company ?
Is he a person in a cosmopolitan hospital who opens up a chronically closed coronary artery , in an asymptomatic patient and live telecasts his achievement trans continentally ?
Is he a person who checks in by the early morning flight and puts multiple wires in an aged patient with class 3 heart failure and make him walk 20 meters extra at a cost of 1000$ / Meter ?
Is he a person living in Wall street , who looks for variety of holes In the heart and trying to occlude it with exotic devicespci ptca stent
Is he the unknown physician who Intervenes in the natural history of Rheumatic heart disease and arrests immune mediated valve damage by giving the monthly injections penicillin in remote parts of our country ?
Is he the person who Intervenes to prevent young persons from smoking and help maintain their coronary endothelium enriched with nitric oxide & arrest the coronary epidemic ?
cardiologist 2
Is he the small town doctor who Intervenes to treat a breathless cardiac failure patient with digoxin and frusemide and dramatically alleviate the symptoms and prolong the life of our poor country men?
Is she the village health nurse from an inaccessible health centre located in a hilly terrain , Intervening successfully, by pulling out live babies from severely anemic pregnant mothers with failing hearts ?
pci ptca cardiologist coronary angiograms
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
What is up sloping ST depression ? How do you measure it ? What is the clinical significance ?

What is up sloping ST depression ? How do you measure it ? What is the clinical significance ?
ST segment depression is the classical response to stress during excercise stress testing. (EST)Not all types of ST segment are pathological.The ST segment should depress atleast 1 mm below the isoelectric segment and it should be depressed for 80msec from the J point.
It must satisfy two criteria .
1. The quantum of ST depression should be > 1mm at 80msec from J point.
2. Slope of ST segment
Always pathological slopes
* Horizontal
* Down sloping
Most often pathological
* Slow up sloping
Non pathological slope
* Rapid up sloping with ST depression
* Rapid Up sloping depression of only the J point( The classical normal physiological response to excercise )
Horizontal or down sloping ST segment is easily recognised .When there is junctional ST depression with a ST segment that is climbing upwards , it is some times difficult to interpret.
How do you measure the slope of ST segment ?
We don’t have the trouble of measuring it as the computer does this job automatically. But a cardiology fellow need to know how it is measured !
slow upsloping st depression st segment ecg
A slow upsloping ST segment( <1.5mv.sec )can be a significant marker of ischemia.This is especially true in established CAD or individuals at high risk . For so slow up sloping a .5mm allowance is given to filter out false positive (ie to improve sensitivity) . So for slow up sloping ST segment , to be reported as positive it should depress atleast 1.5mm or some times 2mm.
upsloping st segment tmt rapid upslope slow upslope
Available evidence suggest a rapidly upsloping ST segment (> 1.5mv /Sec) is a non ischemic response irrespective of the quantum of ST depression at 80msec. However , a rapidly upsloping ST is rarely depressed beyond 2mm .( This is because , the geometric hyperbolic curve of ST segment does not allow a situation of 3mm ST depression at 80msec with rapid upsloping )
What is the angiographic correlation of slow upsloping ST segment depression?
Few studies are availbale to address the issue. It is believed slow up sloping of ST depression is often associated with CAD but it is very rare to find a critical and proximally located CAD.Left main disease is almost never manifest with slow upsloping ST depression.
What is the significance of slow upsloping ST in clinical situations like unstable angina ?
It is rare for cardiologist to diagnose or “even look for” slow or rapid up sloping ECGs in coronary care units. But , a patient with stable CAD , sinus tachycardia , angina can exactly mimic a stress test situation .
Some of the low risk UA , mainly secondary UA due to increase demand situations manifest with slow upsloping ST depression , while classical thrombotic occlusions produce the typical horizontal or downsloping ST segment depression.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Cardiology Links
Monday, June 22, 2009
History of invasive and interventional cardiology
The history of invasive and interventional cardiology is complex, with multiple groups working independently on similar technologies. While invasive and interventional cardiology is currently closely associated with cardiologists (physicians who treat the diseases of the heart), a great deal of the early research and procedures were performed by radiologists and cardiac surgeons
The birth of invasive cardiology
The history of invasive cardiology begins with the development of cardiac catheterization in 1711, when Stephen Hales placed catheters into the right and left ventricles of a living horse.[1] Variations on the technique were performed over the subsequent century, with formal study of cardiac physiology being performed by Claude Bernard in the 1840s.[2]
Catheterization of humans
The first catheterization of a human is attributed to Werner Forssmann who, in 1929, created an incision in one of his left antecubital veins and inserted a catheter into his venous system. He then guided the catheter by fluoroscopy into his right atrium. Subsequently he walked up a flight of stairs to the radiology department and documented the procedure by having a chest roentgenogram performed.[3] Over the next year, catheters were placed in a similar manner into the right ventricle, and measurements of pressure and cardiac output (using the Fick principle) were performed.[4]
In the early 1940s, André Cournand, in collaboration with Dickinson Richards, performed more systematic measurements of the hemodynamics of the heart.[5] For their work in the discovery of cardiac catheterization and hemodynamic measurements, Cournand, Forssmann, and Richards shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1956.
Development of the diagnostic coronary angiogram
In 1958, Charles Dotter began working on methods to visualize the coronary anatomy via sequential radiographic films. He invented a method known as occlusive aortography in an animal model. Occlusive aortography involved the transient occlusion of the aorta and subsequent injection of a small amount of radiographic contrast agent into the aortic root and subsequent serial x-rays to visualize the coronary arteries.[6] This method produced impressive images of the coronary anatomy. Dotter later reported that all the animals used in the procedure survived.[citation needed]
Later that same year, while performing an aortic root aortography, Mason Sones, a pediatric cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic, noted that the catheter had accidentally entered the patient's right coronary artery. Before the catheter could be removed, 30cc of contrast agent had been injected.[7] While the patient went into ventricular fibrillation, the dangerous arrhythmia was terminated by Dr. Sones promptly performing a precordial thump which restored sinus rhythm. This became the world's first selective coronary arteriogram. Until that time, it was believed that even a small amount of contrast agent within a coronary artery would be fatal.
Until the 1950s, placing a catheter into either the arterial or venous system involved a "cut down" procedure, in which the soft tissues were dissected out of the way until the artery or vein was directly visualized and subsequently punctured by a catheter; this was known as the Sones technique. The percutaneous approach that is widely used today was developed by Sven-Ivar Seldinger in 1953.[8][9] This method was used initially for the visualization of the peripheral arteries.[citation needed] Percutaneous access of the artery or vein is still commonly known as the Seldinger technique. The use of the Seldinger technique for visualizing the coronary arteries was described by Ricketts and Abrams in 1962 and Judkins in 1967.[10][11]
By the late 1960s, Melvin Judkins had begun work on creating catheters that were specially shaped to reach the coronary arteries to perform selective coronary angiography. His initial work involved shaping stiff wires and comparing those shapes to radiographs of the ascending aorta to determine if the shape appeared promising. Then he would place the stiff wire inside a flexible catheter and use a heat-fixation method to permanently shape the catheter. In the first use of these catheters in humans, each catheter was specifically shaped to match the size and shape of the aorta of the subject. His work was documented in 1967, and by 1968 the Judkins catheters were manufactured in a limited number of fixed tip shapes.[12] Catheters in these shapes carry his name and are still used to this day for selective coronary angiography.
Dawn of the interventional era
The use of a balloon-tipped catheter for the treatment of atherosclerotic vascular disease was first described by Charles Dotter and Melvin Judkins in 1964, when they used it to treat a case of atherosclerotic disease in the superficial femoral artery of the left leg.[13][14] Building on their work and his own research involving balloon-tipped catheters, Andreas Gruentzig performed the first success percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (known as PTCA or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)) on a human on September 16, 1977 at University Hospital, Zurich.[15] The results of the procedure were presented at the American Heart Association meeting two months later to a stunned audience of cardiologists. In the subsequent three years, Dr. Gruentzig performed coronary angioplasties in 169 patients in Zurich, while teaching the practice of coronary angioplasty to a field of budding interventional cardiologists. It is interesting to note that ten years later, nearly 90 percent of these individuals were still alive.[15] By the mid 1980s, over 300,000 PTCAs were being performed on a yearly basis, equalling the number of bypass surgeries being performed for coronary artery disease.[16]
Soon after Andreas Gruentzig began performing percutaneous interventions on individuals with stable coronary artery disease, multiple groups described the use of catheter-delivered streptokinase for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction (heart attack).[17][18]
In the early years of coronary angioplasty, there were a number of serious complications. Abrupt vessel closure after balloon angioplasty occurred in approximately 1% of cases, often necessitating emergency bypass surgery.[citation needed] Vessel dissection was a frequent issue as a result of improper sizing of the balloon relative to the arterial diameter. Late restenosis occurred in as many as 30% of individuals who underwent PTCA, often causing recurrence of symptoms necessitating repeat procedures
Development of the intracoronary stent
From the time of the initial percutaneous balloon angioplasty, it was theorized that devices could be placed inside the arteries as scaffolds to keep them open after a successful balloon angioplasty.[13] This did not become a reality in the cardiac realm until the first intracoronary stents were successfully deployed in coronary arteries in 1986.[19][20] The first stents used were self-expanding Wallstents. The use of intracoronary stents was quickly identified as a method to treat some complications due to PTCA[19], and their use can decrease the incidence of emergency bypass surgery for acute complications post balloon angioplasty.[21]
It was quickly realized that restenosis rates were significantly lower in individuals who received an intracoronary stent when compared to those who underwent just balloon angioplasty.[22] A damper on the immediate use of intracoronary stents was subacute thrombosis. Subacute thrombosis rates with intracoronary stents proved to be about 3.7 percent, higher than the rates seen after balloon angioplasty.[20] Post-procedure bleeding was also an issue, due to the intense combination of anticoagulation and anti-platelet agents used to prevent stent thrombosis.
Stent technology improved rapidly, and in 1989 the Palmaz-Schatz balloon-expandable intracoronary stent was developed.[23][24] Initial results with the Palmaz-Schatz stents were excellent when compared to balloon angioplasty, with a significantly lower incidence of abrupt closure and peri-procedure heart attack.[25] Late restenosis rates with Palmaz-Schatz stents were also significantly improved when compared with balloon angioplasty.[26][27] However, mortality rates were unchanged compared to balloon angioplasty.[28] While the rates of subacute thrombosis and bleeding complications associated with stent placement were high, by 1999 nearly 85% of all PCI procedures included intracoronary stenting.[29]
In recognition of the focused training required by cardiologists to perform percutaneous coronary interventions and the rapid progression in the field of percutaneous coronary interventions, specialized fellowship training in the field of Interventional Cardiology was instituted in 1999.[16]
The drug eluting stent era
With the high use of intracoronary stents during PCI procedures, the focus of treatment changed from procedural success to prevention of recurrence of disease in the treated area (in-stent restenosis). By the late 1990s it was generally acknowledged among cardiologists that the incidence of in-stent restenosis was between 15 and 30%, and possibly higher in certain subgroups of individuals.[29] Stent manufacturers experimented with (and continue to experiment with) a number of chemical agents to prevent the neointimal hyperplasia that is the cause of in-stent restenosis.
One of the first products of the new focus on preventing late events (such as in stent restenosis and late thrombosis) was the heparin coated Palmaz-Schatz stent.[31] These coated stents were found to have a lower incidence of subacute thrombosis than bare metal stents.[32]
At approximately the same time, Cordis (a division of Johnson & Johnson) was developing the Cypher stent, a stent that would release sirolimus (a chemotherapeutic agent) over time. The first study of these individuals revealed an incredible lack of restenosis (zero percent restenosis) at six months.[33] This led to the approval for the stent to be used in Europe in April 2002.[34] Further trials with the Cypher stent revealed that restenosis did occur in some individuals with high risk features (such as long areas of stenosis or a history of diabetes mellitus), but that the restenosis rate was significantly lower than with bare metal stents (3.2 percent compared to 35.4 percent).[35] About a year after approval in Europe, the United States FDA approved the use of the Cypher stent as the first drug-eluting stent for use in the general population in the United States.[36]
With the significantly lower restenosis rates of drug eluting stents compared to bare metal stents, the interventional cardiology community began using these stents as soon as they became available. Cordis, the manufacturer of the Cypher drug eluting stent, was not able to keep up with the demand for these stents when they first entered the market. This fueled a rationing of Cypher stents; they were used on difficult anatomy and high risk individuals. At the time there was a fear by the general population that these drug eluting stents would not be used on individuals who could not afford them (as they cost significantly more than the bare metal stents of the era).[citation needed]
Concurrent with the development of the Cypher stent, Boston Scientific started development of the Taxus stent. The Taxus stent was the Express2 metal stent, which was in general use for a number of years,[37] with a copolymer coating of paclitaxel that inhibited cell replication. As with the Cypher stent before it, the first trials of the Taxus stent revealed no evidence of in-stent restenosis at six months after the procedure,[38] while later studies showed some restenosis, at a rate much lower than the bare metal counterpart.[39] Based on these trials, the Taxus stent was approved for use in Europe in 2003.[citation needed] With further study,[40] the FDA approved the use of the Taxus stent in the United States in March 2004.[41]
By the end of 2004, drug eluting stents were used in nearly 80 percent of all percutaneous coronary interventions.[42]
Trials of heparin coated stents could not match the significant decrease in restenosis rates seen with the Cypher and Taxus stents.[citation needed] With the increased supply in the chemotherapeutic drug eluting stents available, the use of heparin coated stents wained.
Modern controversies in interventional cardiology
The field of interventional cardiology has had a number of controversies since its inception. In part this is because of the dawning of the randomized control trial as the marker of a successful procedure. This is worsened by the rapid changes in the field of interventional cardiology. Procedures would be used soon after they are described in the literature or at conferences, with trial data determining if the procedure improves outcomes lagging behind by years due to the strict protocols and long follow-up of patients necessary to test the procedure. By the time the trials were published, they would be considered out of date, as they did not reflect the current practice in the field. This led to the inception and use of a number of procedures and devices in the interventional realm that have fallen out of practice due to their being found to not improve outcomes after formal trials have been performed
Roles of bypass surgery and intracoronary stents for coronary artery disease
Another source of controversy in the field of interventional cardiology is the overlapping roles of PCI and coronary artery bypass surgery for individuals with coronary artery disease. This area has been studied in a number of trials since the early 1990s.[43][44][45] Unfortunately, due to the rapid changes in technique in both bypass surgery as well as PCI, added to the better understanding of the role of intense pharmacologic therapy in individuals with coronary artery disease, questions still remain on the best form of therapy in many subgroups of patients. Multiple ongoing studies hope to tease out which individuals do better with PCI and which do better with CABG,[46] but in general each case is individualized to the patient and the relative comfort level of the interventional cardiologist and the cardiothoracic surgeon.
The role of PCI in individuals without symptoms of ischemic heart disease
In the vast majority of cases, percutaneous coronary interventions do not improve mortality when compared to optimal medical therapy in the stable individual.[citation needed] This is, of course, not true in the unstable individual, such as in the setting after a myocardial infarction (heart attack). Even in the stable individuals, however, there are a number of subsets in which there is a mortality benefit that is attributed to PCI.[citation needed]
Subsequently, at the 2007 meeting of the American College of Cardiology (ACC), data from the COURAGE trial was presented, suggested that the combination of PCI and intensive (optimal) medical therapy did not reduce the incidence of death, heart attacks, or stroke compared to intensive medical therapy alone.[citation needed][47] Critics of the trial state that the trial did not take into account the improvement in symptoms attributed to PCI. Also, the data that was presented was an intention to treat analysis, and that there was a (possibly) significant crossover from the medical therapy arm to the PCI arm of the study. It should also be noted that the optimal medical therapy seen in the COURAGE trial is significantly more aggressive than the current guidelines of the ACC and are not commonly seen in the general cardiology clinic. As with any large clinical trial, the therapies available had changed from when the trial was designed to when the results were presented. In particular, drug eluting stents, while commonly used in practice at the time the results of the trial were presented, were used in less than 5 percent of individuals in the trial.[
The safety of drug-eluting stents
When the results of the first trials of drug-eluting stents were published, there was a general feeling in the interventional cardiology community that these devices would be part of the perfect revascularization regimen for coronary artery disease. With the very low restenosis rates of the RAVEL[33] and SIRIUS[35] trials, interventions were performed on more complex blockages in the coronary arteries, under the assumption that the results in real life would mimic the results in the trials. The antiplatelet regimens that were advised for the drug eluting stents were based on the early trials of these stents. Based on these trials, the antiplatelet regimen was a combination of aspirin and clopidogrel for 3 months when Cypher stents were used,[35] and 9 months when Taxus stents were used,[48] followed by aspirin indefinitely.
Soon, case reports started being published regarding late stent thrombosis.[49] At the 2006 annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology, preliminary results of the BASKET-LATE trial were presented, which showed a slight increase in late thrombosis associated with drug eluting stents over bare metal stents.[50] However, this increase was not statistically significant, and further data would have to be collected. Further data published over the following year had conflicting results,[51] and it was unclear whether stent thrombosis was truly higher when compared to bare metal stents. During this time of uncertainty, many cardiologists started extending the dual antiplatelet regimen of aspirin and clopidogrel in these individuals, as some data suggested that it may prevent late thrombosis.[52]
The FDA held an expert panel in December 2006 to go over the data presented by Cordis and Boston Scientific to determine if drug eluting stents should be considered less safe than bare metal stents.[53] It became evident at the meeting that with all the data published there were varied definitions of late thrombosis and key differences in the types of lesions in different studies, hampering analysis of the data.[42] It was also noted that with the advent of drug eluting stents, interventional cardiologists began performing procedures on more complex lesions, subsequently using the drug eluting stents in "off label" coronary artery lesions, which would otherwise go untreated or for bypass surgery.[42] The FDA advisory board reiterated the ACC guidelines that clopidogrel should be continued for 12 months after drug eluting stent placement in individuals who are at low risk for bleeding.[54][55]
1.^ Mueller RL, Sanborn TA. (1995). "The history of interventional cardiology: cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, and related interventions.". Am Heart J 129 (1): 146–72. doi:10.1016/0002-8703(95)90055-1. PMID 7817908.
2.^ Cournand A (1975). "Cardiac catheterization; development of the technique, its contributions to experimental medicine, and its initial applications in man.". Acta Med Scand Suppl 579: 3–32. PMID 1101653.
3.^ Forssmann W (1929). "Sondierung des rechten Herzens.". Klin Wochenschr 8 (8): 2085. doi:10.1007/BF01875120.
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5.^ Cournand A, Riley RL, Breed ES, Baldwin ED, Richards DW, Lester MS, Jones M. (1945). "Measurement Of Cardiac Output In Man Using The Technique Of Catheterization Of The Right Auricle Or Ventricle.". J Clin Invest 24 (1): 106–16. doi:10.1172/JCI101570. PMID 16695180.
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32.^ Gupta V, Aravamuthan BR, Baskerville S, Smith SK, Gupta V, Lauer MA, Fischell TA. (2004). "Reduction of subacute stent thrombosis (SAT) using heparin-coated stents in a large-scale, real world registry.". J Invasive Cardiol 16 (6): 304–10. PMID 15155999.
33.^ a b Morice MC, Serruys PW, Sousa JE, Fajadet J, Ban Hayashi E, Perin M, Colombo A, Schuler G, Barragan P, Guagliumi G, Molnar F, Falotico R; RAVEL Study Group. Randomized Study with the Sirolimus-Coated Bx Velocity Balloon-Expandable Stent in the Treatment of Patients with de Novo Native Coronary Artery Lesions. (2002). "A randomized comparison of a sirolimus-eluting stent with a standard stent for coronary revascularization.". N Engl J Med 346 (23): 1773–80. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa012843. PMID 12050336.
34.^ "Cordis’ CYPHER TM Sirolimus-eluting Stent Receives CE Mark Approval" (PDF). Cordis Corporation. April 15, 2002. Retrieved on 2007-04-09.
35.^ a b c Moses JW, Leon MB, Popma JJ, Fitzgerald PJ, Holmes DR, O'Shaughnessy C, Caputo RP, Kereiakes DJ, Williams DO, Teirstein PS, Jaeger JL, Kuntz RE; SIRIUS Investigators. (2003). "Sirolimus-eluting stents versus standard stents in patients with stenosis in a native coronary artery.". N Engl J Med 349 (14): 1315–23. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa035071. PMID 14523139.
36.^ "FDA Approves Drug-Eluting Stent for Clogged Heart Arteries". U.S. Food And Drug Administration. April 24, 2003. Retrieved on 2007-04-08.
37.^ "Express and Express2 Monorail and Over-the-Wire Coronary Stent Systems" (PDF). United States Food And Drug Administration. September 11, 2002. Retrieved on 2007-04-11.
38.^ Grube E, Silber S, Hauptmann KE, Mueller R, Buellesfeld L, Gerckens U, Russell ME. (2003). "TAXUS I: six- and twelve-month results from a randomized, double-blind trial on a slow-release paclitaxel-eluting stent for de novo coronary lesions.". Circulation 107 (1): 38–42. doi:10.1161/01.CIR.0000047700.58683.A1. PMID 12515740.
39.^ Colombo A, Drzewiecki J, Banning A, Grube E, Hauptmann K, Silber S, Dudek D, Fort S, Schiele F, Zmudka K, Guagliumi G, Russell ME; TAXUS II Study Group. (2003). "Randomized study to assess the effectiveness of slow- and moderate-release polymer-based paclitaxel-eluting stents for coronary artery lesions.". Circulation 108 (7): 788–94. doi:10.1161/01.CIR.0000086926.62288.A6. PMID 12900339.
40.^ Stone GW, Ellis SG, Cox DA, Hermiller J, O'Shaughnessy C, Mann JT, Turco M, Caputo R, Bergin P, Greenberg J, Popma JJ, Russell ME; TAXUS-IV Investigators. (2004). "A polymer-based, paclitaxel-eluting stent in patients with coronary artery disease.". N Engl J Med 350 (3): 221–31. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa032441. PMID 14724301.
41.^ "New Device Approval: TAXUS Express2 Paclitaxel-Eluting Coronary Stent System". U. S. Food And Drug Administration. March 4, 2004. Retrieved on 2007-04-08.
42.^ a b c Maisel WH. (2007). "Unanswered questions—drug-eluting stents and the risk of late thrombosis.". N Engl J Med 356 (10): 981–4. doi:10.1056/NEJMp068305. PMID 17296826.
43.^ RITA Investigators (1993). "Coronary angioplasty versus coronary artery bypass surgery: the Randomized Intervention Treatment of Angina (RITA) trial.". Lancet 341 (8845): 573–80. doi:10.1016/0140-6736(93)90348-K. PMID 8094826.
44.^ The Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation (BARI) Investigators. (1996). "Comparison of coronary bypass surgery with angioplasty in patients with multivessel disease.". N Engl J Med 335 (4): 217–25. doi:10.1056/NEJM199607253350401. PMID 8657237.
45.^ Rodriguez A, Bernardi V, Navia J, Baldi J, Grinfeld L, Martinez J, Vogel D, Grinfeld R, Delacasa A, Garrido M, Oliveri R, Mele E, Palacios I, O'Neill W. (2001). "Argentine Randomized Study: Coronary Angioplasty with Stenting versus Coronary Bypass Surgery in patients with Multiple-Vessel Disease (ERACI II): 30-day and one-year follow-up results. ERACI II Investigators.". J Am Coll Cardiol 37 (1): 51–8. doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(00)01052-4. PMID 11153772.
46.^ "SYNTAX Study: TAXUS Drug-Eluting Stent Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery for the Treatment of Narrowed Arteries". U.S. National Institute of Health. Retrieved on 2007-04-08.
47.^ Hochman JS, Steg PG. (2007). "Does Preventive PCI Work?". N Engl J Med 356: 1572. doi:10.1056/NEJMe078036. PMID 17387128.
48.^ Mehta SR, Yusuf S, Peters RJ, Bertrand ME, Lewis BS, Natarajan MK, Malmberg K, Rupprecht H, Zhao F, Chrolavicius S, Copland I, Fox KA; Clopidogrel in Unstable angina to prevent Recurrent Events trial (CURE) Investigators. (2001). "Effects of pretreatment with clopidogrel and aspirin followed by long-term therapy in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: the PCI-CURE study.". Lancet 358 (9281): 527–33. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(01)05701-4. PMID 11520521.
49.^ Camenzind E, Steg PG, Wijns W. (2007). "Stent thrombosis late after implantation of first-generation drug-eluting stents: a cause for concern.". Circulation 115 (11): 1440–55. PMID 17344324.
50.^ Wood, Shelley (March 14, 2006). "BASKET-LATE: High cardiac death and MI rates in DES-treated patients fuel late stent thrombosis debate". Retrieved on 2007-04-15.
51.^ Spaulding C, Daemen J, Boersma E, Cutlip DE, Serruys PW. (2007). "A pooled analysis of data comparing sirolimus-eluting stents with bare-metal stents.". N Engl J Med 356 (10): 989–97. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa066633. PMID 17296825.
52.^ Eisenstein EL, Anstrom KJ, Kong DF, Shaw LK, Tuttle RH, Mark DB, Kramer JM, Harrington RA, Matchar DB, Kandzari DE, Peterson ED, Schulman KA, Califf RM. (2007). "Clopidogrel use and long-term clinical outcomes after drug-eluting stent implantation.". JAMA 297 (2): 159–68. doi:10.1001/jama.297.2.joc60179. PMID 17148711.
53.^ "Circulatory System Devices Panel Advisory Meetings". United States Food And Drug Administration. December 8, 2006. Retrieved on 2007-04-15.
54.^ Gross, Neal (December 8, 2006). "Circulatory System Devices Advisory Panel" (RTF). United States Food And Drug Administration. Retrieved on 2007-04-16.
55.^ Smith SC Jr, Feldman TE, Hirshfeld JW Jr, Jacobs AK, Kern MJ, King SB 3rd, Morrison DA, O'Neil WW, Schaff HV, Whitlow PL, Williams DO, Antman EM, Adams CD, Anderson JL, Faxon DP, Fuster V, Halperin JL, Hiratzka LF, Hunt SA, Nishimura R, Ornato JP, Page RL, Riegel B; American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines; ACC/AHA/SCAI Writing Committee to Update 2001 Guidelines for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. (2006). "ACC/AHA/SCAI 2005 guideline update for percutaneous coronary intervention: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (ACC/AHA/SCAI Writing Committee to Update 2001 Guidelines for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention)." (PDF). Circulation 113 (7): e166–286. PMID 16490830.
The birth of invasive cardiology
The history of invasive cardiology begins with the development of cardiac catheterization in 1711, when Stephen Hales placed catheters into the right and left ventricles of a living horse.[1] Variations on the technique were performed over the subsequent century, with formal study of cardiac physiology being performed by Claude Bernard in the 1840s.[2]
Catheterization of humans
The first catheterization of a human is attributed to Werner Forssmann who, in 1929, created an incision in one of his left antecubital veins and inserted a catheter into his venous system. He then guided the catheter by fluoroscopy into his right atrium. Subsequently he walked up a flight of stairs to the radiology department and documented the procedure by having a chest roentgenogram performed.[3] Over the next year, catheters were placed in a similar manner into the right ventricle, and measurements of pressure and cardiac output (using the Fick principle) were performed.[4]
In the early 1940s, André Cournand, in collaboration with Dickinson Richards, performed more systematic measurements of the hemodynamics of the heart.[5] For their work in the discovery of cardiac catheterization and hemodynamic measurements, Cournand, Forssmann, and Richards shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1956.
Development of the diagnostic coronary angiogram
In 1958, Charles Dotter began working on methods to visualize the coronary anatomy via sequential radiographic films. He invented a method known as occlusive aortography in an animal model. Occlusive aortography involved the transient occlusion of the aorta and subsequent injection of a small amount of radiographic contrast agent into the aortic root and subsequent serial x-rays to visualize the coronary arteries.[6] This method produced impressive images of the coronary anatomy. Dotter later reported that all the animals used in the procedure survived.[citation needed]
Later that same year, while performing an aortic root aortography, Mason Sones, a pediatric cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic, noted that the catheter had accidentally entered the patient's right coronary artery. Before the catheter could be removed, 30cc of contrast agent had been injected.[7] While the patient went into ventricular fibrillation, the dangerous arrhythmia was terminated by Dr. Sones promptly performing a precordial thump which restored sinus rhythm. This became the world's first selective coronary arteriogram. Until that time, it was believed that even a small amount of contrast agent within a coronary artery would be fatal.
Until the 1950s, placing a catheter into either the arterial or venous system involved a "cut down" procedure, in which the soft tissues were dissected out of the way until the artery or vein was directly visualized and subsequently punctured by a catheter; this was known as the Sones technique. The percutaneous approach that is widely used today was developed by Sven-Ivar Seldinger in 1953.[8][9] This method was used initially for the visualization of the peripheral arteries.[citation needed] Percutaneous access of the artery or vein is still commonly known as the Seldinger technique. The use of the Seldinger technique for visualizing the coronary arteries was described by Ricketts and Abrams in 1962 and Judkins in 1967.[10][11]
By the late 1960s, Melvin Judkins had begun work on creating catheters that were specially shaped to reach the coronary arteries to perform selective coronary angiography. His initial work involved shaping stiff wires and comparing those shapes to radiographs of the ascending aorta to determine if the shape appeared promising. Then he would place the stiff wire inside a flexible catheter and use a heat-fixation method to permanently shape the catheter. In the first use of these catheters in humans, each catheter was specifically shaped to match the size and shape of the aorta of the subject. His work was documented in 1967, and by 1968 the Judkins catheters were manufactured in a limited number of fixed tip shapes.[12] Catheters in these shapes carry his name and are still used to this day for selective coronary angiography.
Dawn of the interventional era
The use of a balloon-tipped catheter for the treatment of atherosclerotic vascular disease was first described by Charles Dotter and Melvin Judkins in 1964, when they used it to treat a case of atherosclerotic disease in the superficial femoral artery of the left leg.[13][14] Building on their work and his own research involving balloon-tipped catheters, Andreas Gruentzig performed the first success percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (known as PTCA or percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)) on a human on September 16, 1977 at University Hospital, Zurich.[15] The results of the procedure were presented at the American Heart Association meeting two months later to a stunned audience of cardiologists. In the subsequent three years, Dr. Gruentzig performed coronary angioplasties in 169 patients in Zurich, while teaching the practice of coronary angioplasty to a field of budding interventional cardiologists. It is interesting to note that ten years later, nearly 90 percent of these individuals were still alive.[15] By the mid 1980s, over 300,000 PTCAs were being performed on a yearly basis, equalling the number of bypass surgeries being performed for coronary artery disease.[16]
Soon after Andreas Gruentzig began performing percutaneous interventions on individuals with stable coronary artery disease, multiple groups described the use of catheter-delivered streptokinase for the treatment of acute myocardial infarction (heart attack).[17][18]
In the early years of coronary angioplasty, there were a number of serious complications. Abrupt vessel closure after balloon angioplasty occurred in approximately 1% of cases, often necessitating emergency bypass surgery.[citation needed] Vessel dissection was a frequent issue as a result of improper sizing of the balloon relative to the arterial diameter. Late restenosis occurred in as many as 30% of individuals who underwent PTCA, often causing recurrence of symptoms necessitating repeat procedures
Development of the intracoronary stent
From the time of the initial percutaneous balloon angioplasty, it was theorized that devices could be placed inside the arteries as scaffolds to keep them open after a successful balloon angioplasty.[13] This did not become a reality in the cardiac realm until the first intracoronary stents were successfully deployed in coronary arteries in 1986.[19][20] The first stents used were self-expanding Wallstents. The use of intracoronary stents was quickly identified as a method to treat some complications due to PTCA[19], and their use can decrease the incidence of emergency bypass surgery for acute complications post balloon angioplasty.[21]
It was quickly realized that restenosis rates were significantly lower in individuals who received an intracoronary stent when compared to those who underwent just balloon angioplasty.[22] A damper on the immediate use of intracoronary stents was subacute thrombosis. Subacute thrombosis rates with intracoronary stents proved to be about 3.7 percent, higher than the rates seen after balloon angioplasty.[20] Post-procedure bleeding was also an issue, due to the intense combination of anticoagulation and anti-platelet agents used to prevent stent thrombosis.
Stent technology improved rapidly, and in 1989 the Palmaz-Schatz balloon-expandable intracoronary stent was developed.[23][24] Initial results with the Palmaz-Schatz stents were excellent when compared to balloon angioplasty, with a significantly lower incidence of abrupt closure and peri-procedure heart attack.[25] Late restenosis rates with Palmaz-Schatz stents were also significantly improved when compared with balloon angioplasty.[26][27] However, mortality rates were unchanged compared to balloon angioplasty.[28] While the rates of subacute thrombosis and bleeding complications associated with stent placement were high, by 1999 nearly 85% of all PCI procedures included intracoronary stenting.[29]
In recognition of the focused training required by cardiologists to perform percutaneous coronary interventions and the rapid progression in the field of percutaneous coronary interventions, specialized fellowship training in the field of Interventional Cardiology was instituted in 1999.[16]
The drug eluting stent era
With the high use of intracoronary stents during PCI procedures, the focus of treatment changed from procedural success to prevention of recurrence of disease in the treated area (in-stent restenosis). By the late 1990s it was generally acknowledged among cardiologists that the incidence of in-stent restenosis was between 15 and 30%, and possibly higher in certain subgroups of individuals.[29] Stent manufacturers experimented with (and continue to experiment with) a number of chemical agents to prevent the neointimal hyperplasia that is the cause of in-stent restenosis.
One of the first products of the new focus on preventing late events (such as in stent restenosis and late thrombosis) was the heparin coated Palmaz-Schatz stent.[31] These coated stents were found to have a lower incidence of subacute thrombosis than bare metal stents.[32]
At approximately the same time, Cordis (a division of Johnson & Johnson) was developing the Cypher stent, a stent that would release sirolimus (a chemotherapeutic agent) over time. The first study of these individuals revealed an incredible lack of restenosis (zero percent restenosis) at six months.[33] This led to the approval for the stent to be used in Europe in April 2002.[34] Further trials with the Cypher stent revealed that restenosis did occur in some individuals with high risk features (such as long areas of stenosis or a history of diabetes mellitus), but that the restenosis rate was significantly lower than with bare metal stents (3.2 percent compared to 35.4 percent).[35] About a year after approval in Europe, the United States FDA approved the use of the Cypher stent as the first drug-eluting stent for use in the general population in the United States.[36]
With the significantly lower restenosis rates of drug eluting stents compared to bare metal stents, the interventional cardiology community began using these stents as soon as they became available. Cordis, the manufacturer of the Cypher drug eluting stent, was not able to keep up with the demand for these stents when they first entered the market. This fueled a rationing of Cypher stents; they were used on difficult anatomy and high risk individuals. At the time there was a fear by the general population that these drug eluting stents would not be used on individuals who could not afford them (as they cost significantly more than the bare metal stents of the era).[citation needed]
Concurrent with the development of the Cypher stent, Boston Scientific started development of the Taxus stent. The Taxus stent was the Express2 metal stent, which was in general use for a number of years,[37] with a copolymer coating of paclitaxel that inhibited cell replication. As with the Cypher stent before it, the first trials of the Taxus stent revealed no evidence of in-stent restenosis at six months after the procedure,[38] while later studies showed some restenosis, at a rate much lower than the bare metal counterpart.[39] Based on these trials, the Taxus stent was approved for use in Europe in 2003.[citation needed] With further study,[40] the FDA approved the use of the Taxus stent in the United States in March 2004.[41]
By the end of 2004, drug eluting stents were used in nearly 80 percent of all percutaneous coronary interventions.[42]
Trials of heparin coated stents could not match the significant decrease in restenosis rates seen with the Cypher and Taxus stents.[citation needed] With the increased supply in the chemotherapeutic drug eluting stents available, the use of heparin coated stents wained.
Modern controversies in interventional cardiology
The field of interventional cardiology has had a number of controversies since its inception. In part this is because of the dawning of the randomized control trial as the marker of a successful procedure. This is worsened by the rapid changes in the field of interventional cardiology. Procedures would be used soon after they are described in the literature or at conferences, with trial data determining if the procedure improves outcomes lagging behind by years due to the strict protocols and long follow-up of patients necessary to test the procedure. By the time the trials were published, they would be considered out of date, as they did not reflect the current practice in the field. This led to the inception and use of a number of procedures and devices in the interventional realm that have fallen out of practice due to their being found to not improve outcomes after formal trials have been performed
Roles of bypass surgery and intracoronary stents for coronary artery disease
Another source of controversy in the field of interventional cardiology is the overlapping roles of PCI and coronary artery bypass surgery for individuals with coronary artery disease. This area has been studied in a number of trials since the early 1990s.[43][44][45] Unfortunately, due to the rapid changes in technique in both bypass surgery as well as PCI, added to the better understanding of the role of intense pharmacologic therapy in individuals with coronary artery disease, questions still remain on the best form of therapy in many subgroups of patients. Multiple ongoing studies hope to tease out which individuals do better with PCI and which do better with CABG,[46] but in general each case is individualized to the patient and the relative comfort level of the interventional cardiologist and the cardiothoracic surgeon.
The role of PCI in individuals without symptoms of ischemic heart disease
In the vast majority of cases, percutaneous coronary interventions do not improve mortality when compared to optimal medical therapy in the stable individual.[citation needed] This is, of course, not true in the unstable individual, such as in the setting after a myocardial infarction (heart attack). Even in the stable individuals, however, there are a number of subsets in which there is a mortality benefit that is attributed to PCI.[citation needed]
Subsequently, at the 2007 meeting of the American College of Cardiology (ACC), data from the COURAGE trial was presented, suggested that the combination of PCI and intensive (optimal) medical therapy did not reduce the incidence of death, heart attacks, or stroke compared to intensive medical therapy alone.[citation needed][47] Critics of the trial state that the trial did not take into account the improvement in symptoms attributed to PCI. Also, the data that was presented was an intention to treat analysis, and that there was a (possibly) significant crossover from the medical therapy arm to the PCI arm of the study. It should also be noted that the optimal medical therapy seen in the COURAGE trial is significantly more aggressive than the current guidelines of the ACC and are not commonly seen in the general cardiology clinic. As with any large clinical trial, the therapies available had changed from when the trial was designed to when the results were presented. In particular, drug eluting stents, while commonly used in practice at the time the results of the trial were presented, were used in less than 5 percent of individuals in the trial.[
The safety of drug-eluting stents
When the results of the first trials of drug-eluting stents were published, there was a general feeling in the interventional cardiology community that these devices would be part of the perfect revascularization regimen for coronary artery disease. With the very low restenosis rates of the RAVEL[33] and SIRIUS[35] trials, interventions were performed on more complex blockages in the coronary arteries, under the assumption that the results in real life would mimic the results in the trials. The antiplatelet regimens that were advised for the drug eluting stents were based on the early trials of these stents. Based on these trials, the antiplatelet regimen was a combination of aspirin and clopidogrel for 3 months when Cypher stents were used,[35] and 9 months when Taxus stents were used,[48] followed by aspirin indefinitely.
Soon, case reports started being published regarding late stent thrombosis.[49] At the 2006 annual meeting of the American College of Cardiology, preliminary results of the BASKET-LATE trial were presented, which showed a slight increase in late thrombosis associated with drug eluting stents over bare metal stents.[50] However, this increase was not statistically significant, and further data would have to be collected. Further data published over the following year had conflicting results,[51] and it was unclear whether stent thrombosis was truly higher when compared to bare metal stents. During this time of uncertainty, many cardiologists started extending the dual antiplatelet regimen of aspirin and clopidogrel in these individuals, as some data suggested that it may prevent late thrombosis.[52]
The FDA held an expert panel in December 2006 to go over the data presented by Cordis and Boston Scientific to determine if drug eluting stents should be considered less safe than bare metal stents.[53] It became evident at the meeting that with all the data published there were varied definitions of late thrombosis and key differences in the types of lesions in different studies, hampering analysis of the data.[42] It was also noted that with the advent of drug eluting stents, interventional cardiologists began performing procedures on more complex lesions, subsequently using the drug eluting stents in "off label" coronary artery lesions, which would otherwise go untreated or for bypass surgery.[42] The FDA advisory board reiterated the ACC guidelines that clopidogrel should be continued for 12 months after drug eluting stent placement in individuals who are at low risk for bleeding.[54][55]
1.^ Mueller RL, Sanborn TA. (1995). "The history of interventional cardiology: cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, and related interventions.". Am Heart J 129 (1): 146–72. doi:10.1016/0002-8703(95)90055-1. PMID 7817908.
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26.^ Serruys PW, de Jaegere P, Kiemeneij F, Macaya C, Rutsch W, Heyndrickx G, Emanuelsson H, Marco J, Legrand V, Materne P, et al. (1994). "A comparison of balloon-expandable-stent implantation with balloon angioplasty in patients with coronary artery disease.". N Engl J Med 331 (8): 489–95. doi:10.1056/NEJM199408253310801. PMID 8041413.
27.^ Fischman DL, Leon MB, Baim DS, Schatz RA, Savage MP, Penn I, Detre K, Veltri L, Ricci D, Nobuyoshi M, et al. (1994). "A randomized comparison of coronary-stent placement and balloon angioplasty in the treatment of coronary artery disease.". N Engl J Med 331 (8): 496–501. doi:10.1056/NEJM199408253310802. PMID 8041414.
28.^ Brophy JM, Belisle P, Joseph L. (2003). "Evidence for use of coronary stents. A hierarchical bayesian meta-analysis.". Ann Intern Med 138 (10): 777–86. PMID 12755549.
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32.^ Gupta V, Aravamuthan BR, Baskerville S, Smith SK, Gupta V, Lauer MA, Fischell TA. (2004). "Reduction of subacute stent thrombosis (SAT) using heparin-coated stents in a large-scale, real world registry.". J Invasive Cardiol 16 (6): 304–10. PMID 15155999.
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34.^ "Cordis’ CYPHER TM Sirolimus-eluting Stent Receives CE Mark Approval" (PDF). Cordis Corporation. April 15, 2002. Retrieved on 2007-04-09.
35.^ a b c Moses JW, Leon MB, Popma JJ, Fitzgerald PJ, Holmes DR, O'Shaughnessy C, Caputo RP, Kereiakes DJ, Williams DO, Teirstein PS, Jaeger JL, Kuntz RE; SIRIUS Investigators. (2003). "Sirolimus-eluting stents versus standard stents in patients with stenosis in a native coronary artery.". N Engl J Med 349 (14): 1315–23. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa035071. PMID 14523139.
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37.^ "Express and Express2 Monorail and Over-the-Wire Coronary Stent Systems" (PDF). United States Food And Drug Administration. September 11, 2002. Retrieved on 2007-04-11.
38.^ Grube E, Silber S, Hauptmann KE, Mueller R, Buellesfeld L, Gerckens U, Russell ME. (2003). "TAXUS I: six- and twelve-month results from a randomized, double-blind trial on a slow-release paclitaxel-eluting stent for de novo coronary lesions.". Circulation 107 (1): 38–42. doi:10.1161/01.CIR.0000047700.58683.A1. PMID 12515740.
39.^ Colombo A, Drzewiecki J, Banning A, Grube E, Hauptmann K, Silber S, Dudek D, Fort S, Schiele F, Zmudka K, Guagliumi G, Russell ME; TAXUS II Study Group. (2003). "Randomized study to assess the effectiveness of slow- and moderate-release polymer-based paclitaxel-eluting stents for coronary artery lesions.". Circulation 108 (7): 788–94. doi:10.1161/01.CIR.0000086926.62288.A6. PMID 12900339.
40.^ Stone GW, Ellis SG, Cox DA, Hermiller J, O'Shaughnessy C, Mann JT, Turco M, Caputo R, Bergin P, Greenberg J, Popma JJ, Russell ME; TAXUS-IV Investigators. (2004). "A polymer-based, paclitaxel-eluting stent in patients with coronary artery disease.". N Engl J Med 350 (3): 221–31. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa032441. PMID 14724301.
41.^ "New Device Approval: TAXUS Express2 Paclitaxel-Eluting Coronary Stent System". U. S. Food And Drug Administration. March 4, 2004. Retrieved on 2007-04-08.
42.^ a b c Maisel WH. (2007). "Unanswered questions—drug-eluting stents and the risk of late thrombosis.". N Engl J Med 356 (10): 981–4. doi:10.1056/NEJMp068305. PMID 17296826.
43.^ RITA Investigators (1993). "Coronary angioplasty versus coronary artery bypass surgery: the Randomized Intervention Treatment of Angina (RITA) trial.". Lancet 341 (8845): 573–80. doi:10.1016/0140-6736(93)90348-K. PMID 8094826.
44.^ The Bypass Angioplasty Revascularization Investigation (BARI) Investigators. (1996). "Comparison of coronary bypass surgery with angioplasty in patients with multivessel disease.". N Engl J Med 335 (4): 217–25. doi:10.1056/NEJM199607253350401. PMID 8657237.
45.^ Rodriguez A, Bernardi V, Navia J, Baldi J, Grinfeld L, Martinez J, Vogel D, Grinfeld R, Delacasa A, Garrido M, Oliveri R, Mele E, Palacios I, O'Neill W. (2001). "Argentine Randomized Study: Coronary Angioplasty with Stenting versus Coronary Bypass Surgery in patients with Multiple-Vessel Disease (ERACI II): 30-day and one-year follow-up results. ERACI II Investigators.". J Am Coll Cardiol 37 (1): 51–8. doi:10.1016/S0735-1097(00)01052-4. PMID 11153772.
46.^ "SYNTAX Study: TAXUS Drug-Eluting Stent Versus Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery for the Treatment of Narrowed Arteries". U.S. National Institute of Health. Retrieved on 2007-04-08.
47.^ Hochman JS, Steg PG. (2007). "Does Preventive PCI Work?". N Engl J Med 356: 1572. doi:10.1056/NEJMe078036. PMID 17387128.
48.^ Mehta SR, Yusuf S, Peters RJ, Bertrand ME, Lewis BS, Natarajan MK, Malmberg K, Rupprecht H, Zhao F, Chrolavicius S, Copland I, Fox KA; Clopidogrel in Unstable angina to prevent Recurrent Events trial (CURE) Investigators. (2001). "Effects of pretreatment with clopidogrel and aspirin followed by long-term therapy in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: the PCI-CURE study.". Lancet 358 (9281): 527–33. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(01)05701-4. PMID 11520521.
49.^ Camenzind E, Steg PG, Wijns W. (2007). "Stent thrombosis late after implantation of first-generation drug-eluting stents: a cause for concern.". Circulation 115 (11): 1440–55. PMID 17344324.
50.^ Wood, Shelley (March 14, 2006). "BASKET-LATE: High cardiac death and MI rates in DES-treated patients fuel late stent thrombosis debate". Retrieved on 2007-04-15.
51.^ Spaulding C, Daemen J, Boersma E, Cutlip DE, Serruys PW. (2007). "A pooled analysis of data comparing sirolimus-eluting stents with bare-metal stents.". N Engl J Med 356 (10): 989–97. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa066633. PMID 17296825.
52.^ Eisenstein EL, Anstrom KJ, Kong DF, Shaw LK, Tuttle RH, Mark DB, Kramer JM, Harrington RA, Matchar DB, Kandzari DE, Peterson ED, Schulman KA, Califf RM. (2007). "Clopidogrel use and long-term clinical outcomes after drug-eluting stent implantation.". JAMA 297 (2): 159–68. doi:10.1001/jama.297.2.joc60179. PMID 17148711.
53.^ "Circulatory System Devices Panel Advisory Meetings". United States Food And Drug Administration. December 8, 2006. Retrieved on 2007-04-15.
54.^ Gross, Neal (December 8, 2006). "Circulatory System Devices Advisory Panel" (RTF). United States Food And Drug Administration. Retrieved on 2007-04-16.
55.^ Smith SC Jr, Feldman TE, Hirshfeld JW Jr, Jacobs AK, Kern MJ, King SB 3rd, Morrison DA, O'Neil WW, Schaff HV, Whitlow PL, Williams DO, Antman EM, Adams CD, Anderson JL, Faxon DP, Fuster V, Halperin JL, Hiratzka LF, Hunt SA, Nishimura R, Ornato JP, Page RL, Riegel B; American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines; ACC/AHA/SCAI Writing Committee to Update 2001 Guidelines for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. (2006). "ACC/AHA/SCAI 2005 guideline update for percutaneous coronary intervention: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (ACC/AHA/SCAI Writing Committee to Update 2001 Guidelines for Percutaneous Coronary Intervention)." (PDF). Circulation 113 (7): e166–286. PMID 16490830.
Fellowship in Cardiac Rehabilitation
This course is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to organize, manage and deliver a Cardiac Rehabilitation program within a Hospital & Community setting. The course is based on the WHO guidelines for cardiac rehabilitation, which promotes evidence-based practice for individuals who have had a known cardiac event as well as primary prevention of cardiac diseases.
Students will be equipped with knowledge & aspects of cardiac disease and surgical techniques, get exposed to the multi-disciplinary nature of effective cardiac rehabilitation services and have the opportunity of a learning experience from a module team who are involved directly in both hospital and community-based cardiac rehabilitation.
On completion of the Course students will be able to:
• Exhibit a detailed understanding of the implications of coronary heart disease for exercise promotion.
• Synthesize information from cardiac units in secondary care to provide an effective cardiac rehabilitation programme for patients from a diverse range of cardiac problems.
• Negotiate and communicate with medical professionals regarding cardiac patients to ensure a quality cardiac rehabilitation plan for patients.
Duration & Contact Program
•Six months correspondence / Online study
•One week contact program conducted at Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad*. by experinced faculty in the field.
Eligibility Criteria
•Physiotherapy Graduates.
•MBBS Graduates & General Practitioners (Including BHMS,BAMS, BUMS).
Course Content
This course is divided into eight modules:
1. Basic Cardiology (Heart and Circulatory System, Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Failure, Valvular Heart Diseases, Interventional Cardiology, Surgical Procedures)
2. Chest Physiology & Physiotherapy
3. Sports Medicine
4. Cardiac Nutrition
5. Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase I
6. Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase II
7. Risk factor Modification
8. Aspects of Counseling
Course Fee
Rs. 20, 000 payable one time or two equal installments of Rs. 11,000 each in favour of “Medvarsity Online Limited” Payable at Hyderabad
Students will be equipped with knowledge & aspects of cardiac disease and surgical techniques, get exposed to the multi-disciplinary nature of effective cardiac rehabilitation services and have the opportunity of a learning experience from a module team who are involved directly in both hospital and community-based cardiac rehabilitation.
On completion of the Course students will be able to:
• Exhibit a detailed understanding of the implications of coronary heart disease for exercise promotion.
• Synthesize information from cardiac units in secondary care to provide an effective cardiac rehabilitation programme for patients from a diverse range of cardiac problems.
• Negotiate and communicate with medical professionals regarding cardiac patients to ensure a quality cardiac rehabilitation plan for patients.
Duration & Contact Program
•Six months correspondence / Online study
•One week contact program conducted at Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad*. by experinced faculty in the field.
Eligibility Criteria
•Physiotherapy Graduates.
•MBBS Graduates & General Practitioners (Including BHMS,BAMS, BUMS).
Course Content
This course is divided into eight modules:
1. Basic Cardiology (Heart and Circulatory System, Coronary Artery Disease, Heart Failure, Valvular Heart Diseases, Interventional Cardiology, Surgical Procedures)
2. Chest Physiology & Physiotherapy
3. Sports Medicine
4. Cardiac Nutrition
5. Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase I
6. Cardiac Rehabilitation Phase II
7. Risk factor Modification
8. Aspects of Counseling
Course Fee
Rs. 20, 000 payable one time or two equal installments of Rs. 11,000 each in favour of “Medvarsity Online Limited” Payable at Hyderabad
Certificate Course in Cardiology
Here is a 6 month online course by Medvarsity:
Cardiac Emergencies
Approximately one-third of patients with an acute cardiac emergency conditions die without medical attention
within few hours of the onset of their first symptoms, and a large proportion of these deaths are due to potentially
reversible factors. A high percentage of these patients die before reaching the hospital.
Effective management of such patients can only be achieved by training the doctors in community resuscitation
schemes and prevention programs by special training and education in dealing with cardiac emergencies. In this
course we have concise and relevant evidence-based guidelines relating to the management of common
cardiac emergencies for doctors working in cardiology units, general medical units, intensive care units and
related areas like accident and emergency departments.
Our attempt has been to provide better understanding and more effective learning by using
multimedia-based animations, videos and interactive drug tables.
• Post Graduate Students in Medical Specialties
• 6 months online
• One week optional contact program with cardiologists of Apollo Hospitals at the end of the course
Course Content
This course has eleven modules which deal with the following topics:
• Approach to Chest pain
• Approach to Heart Failure
• Cardiac Emergency Management
• Ischaemic Heart Disease
• Approach to Cardiogenic Shock
• Common arrhythmias not associated with acute MI
• Non-Ischaemic Cardiovascular Emergencies
• Acute Aortic Disease
• Acute Pulmonary Edema
• Pulmonary Embolism
• Emergencies in Hypertension & Hypotension
The course material is available both online and offline. An ID and Password is provided to access the course content and online assessments. A CD with multimedia-rich content is also provided along with printed study material. Additional value added services like e-mail articles, journal articles etc. will be provided periodically. Assessments and doubts clarification is also provided during the course.
The registrants shall complete all the internal assessments online before the contact program. The final examination will be held after completion of the online study at the end of contact program. It is mandatory to obtain a minimum of 50% marks to clear an evaluation. The course is certified by AHERF & Medvarsity.
• Course material developed by experienced specialists from Apollo hospitals.
• Convenient to take the course as it is online - any time anywhere learning.
• No need to dislocate yourself from existing practice & place of work as the course is available both online & offline.
• Course material containing animations, videos, images and interactive drug tables which are useful for ready reference
and to explain various concepts and conditions provided in a CD.
• Contact program by subject experts from Apollo Hospitals.
Dr. Manoj Agarwal M.D., D.M., PGI (Chandigarh)
Consultant Cardiologist, Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad
Rs. 20,000 in single installment or 2 equal installments of Rs. 11,000 each. Payable in favour of Medvarsity online limited.
Medvarsity, India's first virtual medical educational portal was established in April 2000 as a joint venture by Apollo Hospitals & NIIT. Medvarsity in association with Apollo Hospitals conducts online courses for medical & paramedical community. Medvarsity offers its courses in collaboration with reputed bodies like Royal College of General Practitioners and Apollo Hospitals Educational and Research Foundation, IRDA Etc.
Apollo Hospital Educational & Research Foundation (AHERF) Conducts other educational and training programs including Nursing, Physiotherapy, Emergency Medicine, Surgery, Anesthesiology and MAsters Degree in Hospital Administration.
Certificate Course on ECG
India is witnessing a rise in cases of coronary artery disease, majority of which are of acute onset. These cases require timely diagnosis and treatment. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is the best diagnostic tool available, which is simple, easy and non-invasive investigation.
ECG monitoring is becoming more common in both inpatient and outpatient caresettings. Hence, it is important to have a sound knowledge and ability to interpret ECG accurately and quickly for classifying patients of acute coronary syndrome. This necessitates that not only specialists, but also other healthcare professionals like General practitioners, Interns, Post Graduate students, Nurses and Paramedical staff should have basic understanding of ECG for timely diagnosis.
To cater to the need for a quality course on ECG, Medvarsity offers a Certificate course in ECG for healthcare professionals. This course has been designed to provide understanding on basic concepts of ECG that would help as a guidepost while dealing with cases of acute coronary syndrome and rhythm disturbances. To provide better understanding and for more effective learning, multimedia based animations with ECG graphs have been used. These demonstrations are interactive and enhance learning ability.
Course Details
Course objective
* To achieve full utility of ECG as diagnostic and therapeutic Guide.
* Enable doctor to interpret ECG confidently. Identification of cases requiring further management.
* Identification of critical cases for specialist care.
Course Highlights
* Use of highly effective multimedia
animations to explain concepts of ECG.
* Course material developed by experienced specialist from Apollo Hospital.
* Any time anywhere learning.
* Course material (CDs) useful for ready reference.
* MBBS Graduates, Post Graduate students;
* General Practitioners (Including Alternative Medicine);
* Under Graduate Medical students;
* Healthcare professionals;
* Nurses.
* 3 months.
* One week OPTIONAL Contact Programme with clinicians at the end of the course.
Course Content
The course has five modules which deals with the following topics:
1.Basics of ECG
2.Rhythmic Disorders
3.Coronary Artery Diseases
4.Conduction Defects, Chamber Enlargement & Hypertrophy.
Each module is divided into discrete learning units. The purpose of these learning units is to impart students better knowledge, and understanding of terminology and physiology in ECG interpretation.
Course delivery and Certification
The course material will be available both online and offline. An ID and password is provided to access the course content and online assessments. Additional value added features like articles and journals will be provided periodically through e-mail. Assessments and doubt clarifications are also provided during the course.
The registrant shall complete all the internal assessments online before joining the contact program. The final examination will be held on completion of all course modules. It is mandatory to obtain a minimum of 50% marks to clear an evaluation. Certification will be by AHERF & Medvarsity.
Cardiac Emergencies
Approximately one-third of patients with an acute cardiac emergency conditions die without medical attention
within few hours of the onset of their first symptoms, and a large proportion of these deaths are due to potentially
reversible factors. A high percentage of these patients die before reaching the hospital.
Effective management of such patients can only be achieved by training the doctors in community resuscitation
schemes and prevention programs by special training and education in dealing with cardiac emergencies. In this
course we have concise and relevant evidence-based guidelines relating to the management of common
cardiac emergencies for doctors working in cardiology units, general medical units, intensive care units and
related areas like accident and emergency departments.
Our attempt has been to provide better understanding and more effective learning by using
multimedia-based animations, videos and interactive drug tables.
• Post Graduate Students in Medical Specialties
• 6 months online
• One week optional contact program with cardiologists of Apollo Hospitals at the end of the course
Course Content
This course has eleven modules which deal with the following topics:
• Approach to Chest pain
• Approach to Heart Failure
• Cardiac Emergency Management
• Ischaemic Heart Disease
• Approach to Cardiogenic Shock
• Common arrhythmias not associated with acute MI
• Non-Ischaemic Cardiovascular Emergencies
• Acute Aortic Disease
• Acute Pulmonary Edema
• Pulmonary Embolism
• Emergencies in Hypertension & Hypotension
The course material is available both online and offline. An ID and Password is provided to access the course content and online assessments. A CD with multimedia-rich content is also provided along with printed study material. Additional value added services like e-mail articles, journal articles etc. will be provided periodically. Assessments and doubts clarification is also provided during the course.
The registrants shall complete all the internal assessments online before the contact program. The final examination will be held after completion of the online study at the end of contact program. It is mandatory to obtain a minimum of 50% marks to clear an evaluation. The course is certified by AHERF & Medvarsity.
• Course material developed by experienced specialists from Apollo hospitals.
• Convenient to take the course as it is online - any time anywhere learning.
• No need to dislocate yourself from existing practice & place of work as the course is available both online & offline.
• Course material containing animations, videos, images and interactive drug tables which are useful for ready reference
and to explain various concepts and conditions provided in a CD.
• Contact program by subject experts from Apollo Hospitals.
Dr. Manoj Agarwal M.D., D.M., PGI (Chandigarh)
Consultant Cardiologist, Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad
Rs. 20,000 in single installment or 2 equal installments of Rs. 11,000 each. Payable in favour of Medvarsity online limited.
Medvarsity, India's first virtual medical educational portal was established in April 2000 as a joint venture by Apollo Hospitals & NIIT. Medvarsity in association with Apollo Hospitals conducts online courses for medical & paramedical community. Medvarsity offers its courses in collaboration with reputed bodies like Royal College of General Practitioners and Apollo Hospitals Educational and Research Foundation, IRDA Etc.
Apollo Hospital Educational & Research Foundation (AHERF) Conducts other educational and training programs including Nursing, Physiotherapy, Emergency Medicine, Surgery, Anesthesiology and MAsters Degree in Hospital Administration.
Certificate Course on ECG
India is witnessing a rise in cases of coronary artery disease, majority of which are of acute onset. These cases require timely diagnosis and treatment. Electrocardiogram (ECG) is the best diagnostic tool available, which is simple, easy and non-invasive investigation.
ECG monitoring is becoming more common in both inpatient and outpatient caresettings. Hence, it is important to have a sound knowledge and ability to interpret ECG accurately and quickly for classifying patients of acute coronary syndrome. This necessitates that not only specialists, but also other healthcare professionals like General practitioners, Interns, Post Graduate students, Nurses and Paramedical staff should have basic understanding of ECG for timely diagnosis.
To cater to the need for a quality course on ECG, Medvarsity offers a Certificate course in ECG for healthcare professionals. This course has been designed to provide understanding on basic concepts of ECG that would help as a guidepost while dealing with cases of acute coronary syndrome and rhythm disturbances. To provide better understanding and for more effective learning, multimedia based animations with ECG graphs have been used. These demonstrations are interactive and enhance learning ability.
Course Details
Course objective
* To achieve full utility of ECG as diagnostic and therapeutic Guide.
* Enable doctor to interpret ECG confidently. Identification of cases requiring further management.
* Identification of critical cases for specialist care.
Course Highlights
* Use of highly effective multimedia
animations to explain concepts of ECG.
* Course material developed by experienced specialist from Apollo Hospital.
* Any time anywhere learning.
* Course material (CDs) useful for ready reference.
* MBBS Graduates, Post Graduate students;
* General Practitioners (Including Alternative Medicine);
* Under Graduate Medical students;
* Healthcare professionals;
* Nurses.
* 3 months.
* One week OPTIONAL Contact Programme with clinicians at the end of the course.
Course Content
The course has five modules which deals with the following topics:
1.Basics of ECG
2.Rhythmic Disorders
3.Coronary Artery Diseases
4.Conduction Defects, Chamber Enlargement & Hypertrophy.
Each module is divided into discrete learning units. The purpose of these learning units is to impart students better knowledge, and understanding of terminology and physiology in ECG interpretation.
Course delivery and Certification
The course material will be available both online and offline. An ID and password is provided to access the course content and online assessments. Additional value added features like articles and journals will be provided periodically through e-mail. Assessments and doubt clarifications are also provided during the course.
The registrant shall complete all the internal assessments online before joining the contact program. The final examination will be held on completion of all course modules. It is mandatory to obtain a minimum of 50% marks to clear an evaluation. Certification will be by AHERF & Medvarsity.
Fellowships in Cardiology
Fellowships in Cardiology from the College of Chest Physicians of India,
FCCP- A 1.5y online course, starting with
MCCP (6mts)- Membership of College of Chest Physician
DCCP (6mts)- Diplomate of College of Chest Physician
FCCP (6mts)- Fellowship of College of Chest Physician
Details by Mail/Phone:
Phone: 011-32576015,32576020,
Fax: 011-25493421
Website: less informative:
FCCP- A 1.5y online course, starting with
MCCP (6mts)- Membership of College of Chest Physician
DCCP (6mts)- Diplomate of College of Chest Physician
FCCP (6mts)- Fellowship of College of Chest Physician
Details by Mail/Phone:
Phone: 011-32576015,32576020,
Fax: 011-25493421
Website: less informative:
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Even slight BP elevations linked to increased AF incidence among women
April 2009
MedWire News: Blood pressure (BP) is strongly associated with incident atrial fibrillation (AF) among initially healthy women, with the systolic a better predictor than the diastolic measure, findings from the Women’s Health Study show.
Furthermore, the study indicates that BP values below the current threshold for the diagnosis of arterial hypertension are significantly associated with the risk for incident AF.
“Even slightly elevated BP levels at baseline imposed some degree of increased risk,” write study authors David Conen (University Hospital Basel, Switzerland) and colleagues in the journal Circulation.
Because treatment of established AF has limited long-term success and is associated with significant risks, characterizing treatable risk factors for AF has “substantial clinical relevance” the team notes.
The researchers prospectively followed up 34,211 women for incident AF over 12.4 years, and then compared the incidence of AF across systolic and diastolic BP categories.
The women were aged 55 years on average at baseline; during follow-up, 644 had at least one confirmed episode of AF.
Analysis showed that both systolic and diastolic BP components were significantly and strongly associated with incident AF, after multivariable adjustment.
Even women with high-normal systolic (130 to 139 mm Hg) or diastolic (85 to 89 mm Hg) BP at baseline had 28% and 53% increased risks for incident AF compared with women with systolic BP <120 mm Hg or diastolic BP <65 mm Hg, respectively.
In further continuous and combined hazard modeling, systolic BP remained significantly and strongly positively associated with AF incidence, whereas diastolic BP did not.
Of note, say Conen and co-workers, models incorporating BP measures updated over time showed that women with systolic BP values between 130 and 139 mm Hg during follow-up also had a significantly increased risk for subsequent AF.
The team concludes: “Taken together, our findings indicate that tight BP control may help to reduce the growing burden of AF in the community.”
Circulation 2009; 119: 2146–2152
MedWire News: Blood pressure (BP) is strongly associated with incident atrial fibrillation (AF) among initially healthy women, with the systolic a better predictor than the diastolic measure, findings from the Women’s Health Study show.
Furthermore, the study indicates that BP values below the current threshold for the diagnosis of arterial hypertension are significantly associated with the risk for incident AF.
“Even slightly elevated BP levels at baseline imposed some degree of increased risk,” write study authors David Conen (University Hospital Basel, Switzerland) and colleagues in the journal Circulation.
Because treatment of established AF has limited long-term success and is associated with significant risks, characterizing treatable risk factors for AF has “substantial clinical relevance” the team notes.
The researchers prospectively followed up 34,211 women for incident AF over 12.4 years, and then compared the incidence of AF across systolic and diastolic BP categories.
The women were aged 55 years on average at baseline; during follow-up, 644 had at least one confirmed episode of AF.
Analysis showed that both systolic and diastolic BP components were significantly and strongly associated with incident AF, after multivariable adjustment.
Even women with high-normal systolic (130 to 139 mm Hg) or diastolic (85 to 89 mm Hg) BP at baseline had 28% and 53% increased risks for incident AF compared with women with systolic BP <120 mm Hg or diastolic BP <65 mm Hg, respectively.
In further continuous and combined hazard modeling, systolic BP remained significantly and strongly positively associated with AF incidence, whereas diastolic BP did not.
Of note, say Conen and co-workers, models incorporating BP measures updated over time showed that women with systolic BP values between 130 and 139 mm Hg during follow-up also had a significantly increased risk for subsequent AF.
The team concludes: “Taken together, our findings indicate that tight BP control may help to reduce the growing burden of AF in the community.”
Circulation 2009; 119: 2146–2152
Noncompliance ‘major cause of aspirin resistance’ in stented patients
May 2009
MedWire News: Aspirin resistance is rare in compliant patients receiving the drug for secondary cardiovascular disease prevention after coronary stenting, being mostly found in noncompliant patients who respond when therapy is controlled, reports a French team.
Thomas Cuisset (CHU Timone, Marseille, France) and colleagues prospectively followed-up 136 consecutive patients undergoing coronary stenting for compliance and aspirin response during hospitalization and at 1 month after hospital discharge. The patients’ aspirin responses were determined using the arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation (AA-Ag) assay performed on peripheral blood samples.
The researchers contend that, while several mechanisms have been put forward for the wide variability in antiplatelet therapy response, “the first reason to have inadequate platelet inhibition in patients treated with aspirin is noncompliance.” Thus they hypothesized that aspirin resistance would be rare when assessed by methods that directly measure inhibition of platelet cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-1 activity.
Their results showed that AA-Ag ranged from 0 to 34% during the inhospital phase, at a mean of 7.5%. Four (3%) patients were classed as nonresponders, defined as having AA-Ag >30%, although Cuisset and team note all four had post-treatment AA-Ag lower than 35%.
At 1 month postdischarge, however, AA-Ag ranged from 0 to 94%, with a significantly higher mean compared with the hospital phase, at 15.3% (p=0.004), and 19 (14%) patients were identified as nonresponders.
The 19 nonresponders received controlled intake of oral 75 mg aspirin and their response was reassessed. Only one patient remained a nonresponder.
The authors say a similar pattern was seen using the most common definition of aspirin nonresponse of AA-Ag >20%, with 12 nonresponders in hospital and 32 at 1 month, suggesting a further 18 noncompliant patients who were clearly identified as such following further investigation with the patients, families, and general practitioners. Nine claimed they simply forgot to take their medication, while the other nine stopped because of side effects, mainly gastrointestinal (seven patients) or minor bleeding (two patients).
“Noncompliance should be eliminated before treating with alternative and/or additional antiplatelet medications,” the team concludes in the American Heart Journal.
MedWire is an independent clinical news service provided by Current Medicine Group, a part of Springer Science+Business Media. © Current Medicine Group Ltd; 2009
Am Heart J 2009; 157: 889-893
MedWire News: Aspirin resistance is rare in compliant patients receiving the drug for secondary cardiovascular disease prevention after coronary stenting, being mostly found in noncompliant patients who respond when therapy is controlled, reports a French team.
Thomas Cuisset (CHU Timone, Marseille, France) and colleagues prospectively followed-up 136 consecutive patients undergoing coronary stenting for compliance and aspirin response during hospitalization and at 1 month after hospital discharge. The patients’ aspirin responses were determined using the arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation (AA-Ag) assay performed on peripheral blood samples.
The researchers contend that, while several mechanisms have been put forward for the wide variability in antiplatelet therapy response, “the first reason to have inadequate platelet inhibition in patients treated with aspirin is noncompliance.” Thus they hypothesized that aspirin resistance would be rare when assessed by methods that directly measure inhibition of platelet cyclo-oxygenase (COX)-1 activity.
Their results showed that AA-Ag ranged from 0 to 34% during the inhospital phase, at a mean of 7.5%. Four (3%) patients were classed as nonresponders, defined as having AA-Ag >30%, although Cuisset and team note all four had post-treatment AA-Ag lower than 35%.
At 1 month postdischarge, however, AA-Ag ranged from 0 to 94%, with a significantly higher mean compared with the hospital phase, at 15.3% (p=0.004), and 19 (14%) patients were identified as nonresponders.
The 19 nonresponders received controlled intake of oral 75 mg aspirin and their response was reassessed. Only one patient remained a nonresponder.
The authors say a similar pattern was seen using the most common definition of aspirin nonresponse of AA-Ag >20%, with 12 nonresponders in hospital and 32 at 1 month, suggesting a further 18 noncompliant patients who were clearly identified as such following further investigation with the patients, families, and general practitioners. Nine claimed they simply forgot to take their medication, while the other nine stopped because of side effects, mainly gastrointestinal (seven patients) or minor bleeding (two patients).
“Noncompliance should be eliminated before treating with alternative and/or additional antiplatelet medications,” the team concludes in the American Heart Journal.
MedWire is an independent clinical news service provided by Current Medicine Group, a part of Springer Science+Business Media. © Current Medicine Group Ltd; 2009
Am Heart J 2009; 157: 889-893
Sustained VT/VF linked to increased mortality after PCI in STEMI patients
6 May 2009
MedWire News: Patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) who develop sustained ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia before or after the procedure have significantly increased 90-day mortality, a study reveals.
Rajendra Mehta (Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, North Carolina, USA) and team evaluated the association of ventricular fibrillation (VF) or ventricular tachycardia (VT) and its timing with risk for death at 30 and 90 days in 5745 patients with STEMI undergoing PCI at 296 hospitals in 17 countries.
They report in the Journal of the American Medical Association that VT/VF occurred in 329 (5.7%) patients. The majority of these occurred early (before the end of catheterization, n=205; 64%), and 90% occurred within 48 hours of presentation with STEMI symptoms.
The 90-day mortality rate was significantly higher among patients with any VT/VF compared with those without, at 23.2% versus 3.6%, and an adjusted hazard ratio (HR) of 3.63. Outcomes were particularly worsened among patients with late (after the end of catheterization) VT/VF, with a 90-day mortality of 33.3% (HR=5.59), although still significantly worse for those with early VT/VF,at 90-day mortality of 17.2% (HR=2.34).
Factors associated with late VT/VF were low systolic blood pressure, increased heart rate (>70 beats per minute) and body weight, ST resolution less than 70%, post-PCI Thrombolysis in MI (TIMI) flow below grade 3 and pre-PCI TIMI flow grade 0, and beta-blocker treatment for less than 24 hours.
“Our analysis identified patients who may benefit from closer surveillance int eh intensive care or telemetry unit after the PCI procedure because of the risk for late VT/VF,” the authors write.
“In contrast, because of very low risk for late VT/VF in patients with complete reperfusion, our findings suggest that close monitoring for late VT.VF may not be necessary and these patients may be candidates for early discharge.”
They add that, as most patients with STEMI worldwide are routinely moitored for longer than 72 hours, these findings have the potential to decrease resource use without compromising patient safety when a risk-based strategy of monitoring or early discharge is followed.
JAMA 2009; 301: 1779-1789
MedWire News: Patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) who develop sustained ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia before or after the procedure have significantly increased 90-day mortality, a study reveals.
Rajendra Mehta (Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, North Carolina, USA) and team evaluated the association of ventricular fibrillation (VF) or ventricular tachycardia (VT) and its timing with risk for death at 30 and 90 days in 5745 patients with STEMI undergoing PCI at 296 hospitals in 17 countries.
They report in the Journal of the American Medical Association that VT/VF occurred in 329 (5.7%) patients. The majority of these occurred early (before the end of catheterization, n=205; 64%), and 90% occurred within 48 hours of presentation with STEMI symptoms.
The 90-day mortality rate was significantly higher among patients with any VT/VF compared with those without, at 23.2% versus 3.6%, and an adjusted hazard ratio (HR) of 3.63. Outcomes were particularly worsened among patients with late (after the end of catheterization) VT/VF, with a 90-day mortality of 33.3% (HR=5.59), although still significantly worse for those with early VT/VF,at 90-day mortality of 17.2% (HR=2.34).
Factors associated with late VT/VF were low systolic blood pressure, increased heart rate (>70 beats per minute) and body weight, ST resolution less than 70%, post-PCI Thrombolysis in MI (TIMI) flow below grade 3 and pre-PCI TIMI flow grade 0, and beta-blocker treatment for less than 24 hours.
“Our analysis identified patients who may benefit from closer surveillance int eh intensive care or telemetry unit after the PCI procedure because of the risk for late VT/VF,” the authors write.
“In contrast, because of very low risk for late VT/VF in patients with complete reperfusion, our findings suggest that close monitoring for late VT.VF may not be necessary and these patients may be candidates for early discharge.”
They add that, as most patients with STEMI worldwide are routinely moitored for longer than 72 hours, these findings have the potential to decrease resource use without compromising patient safety when a risk-based strategy of monitoring or early discharge is followed.
JAMA 2009; 301: 1779-1789
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Prediction of Early Complications in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction by Calculation of the ST Score
Prediction of Early Complications in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction by Calculation of the ST Score
Marianne Gwechenberger MD
Wolfgang Schreiber MD
Harald Kittler MD
Michael Binder MD
Bernhard Hohenberger
Anton N Laggner MD
Michael M Hirschl MD
Clinic of Internal Medicine II, Department of Cardiology Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
Study objective:
To assess the relationship between the sum of ST-segment elevations (ST score) in the admission ECG and the occurrence of early complications in patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI).
We conducted an observational study of patients who presented with acute anterior or inferior MI to the ED of a 2,000-bed inner-city hospital. Age, sex, time from onset of pain and the start of thrombolysis, and ST score were evaluated by the emergency physician. "Early complications" were defined as acute congestive heart failure or severe rhythm disturbances in the 24 hours after the start of thrombolysis. The outcome measures were the relationship between ST score and the occurrence of early complications; the influence of age, sex, or time between onset of pain and thrombolysis; and identification of a cutoff value with the highest sensitivity and specificity for prediction of complications.
We included 243 patients (194 men, 49 women; mean age, 56.6 years) with acute MI (anterior, 119; inferior, 124) who underwent thrombolysis in our analysis. ST score was significantly greater in patients with early complications, compared with patients without complications (anterior, 10.3 versus 19.4 mm [ P<.001]; inferior, 6.9 versus 10.4 mm [ P<.001]). Receiver-operator curve analysis revealed an ST score of 13 mm in patients with anterior MI and 9 mm in patients with inferior MI as the cutoff value with the greatest sensitivity and specificity for predicting early complications of MI. (For anterior MI, sensitivity was .79, specificity .73; for inferior MI, sensitivity was .64 and specificity .68.). On multivariate regression analysis, ST score was an independent predictor of the occurrence of at least one complication. (For anterior MI, the odds ratio [OR] was 9.7 and the 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.9 to 25.1; for inferior MI the OR was 5.0 and the 95% CI 2.0 to 12.8). Age, sex, and interval from onset of pain to treatment had no significant effect on the occurrence of early complications.
The absolute ST score is useful in estimating the probability of early complications in patients with acute MI receiving
thrombolytic therapy. A cutoff value of 13 mm for anterior MI and 9 mm for inferior MI stratifies patients into high- and low-risk subgroups for the development of acute congestive heart failure and severe rhythm disturbances during the first 24 hours of hospitalization.
[Gwechenberger M, Schreiber W, Kittler H, Binder M, Hohenberger B, Laggner A, Hirschl MM: Prediction of early complications in patients with acute myocardial infarction by calculation of the ST score. Ann Emerg Med November 1997;30:563-570.]
Received for publication February 28, 1997.
Revision received June 20, 1997.
Accepted for publication July 3, 1997.
Copyright © by the American College of Emergency Physicians.
Address for reprints:
Michael M Hirschl, MD
Department of Emergency Medicine
Wahringer Gurtel 18-20
A-1090 Vienna
Fax 43-1-40400-1965
The initial ECGs of patients admitted to the ED or CCU have been used to stratify patients into groups at low and high risk for the development of in-hospital life-threatening complications and death. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Whereas signs of myocardial infarction (MI), left bundle-branch block, and left ventricular hypertrophy on the initial ECG are associated with a high frequency of adverse events or the need for procedures, [6] normal ECG findings or an ECG with minimal changes indicate a low risk of further complications in patients with suspected MI. [7] In addition, it has been demonstrated that the presence of ST-segment elevation in lead V4R in patients with acute inferior MI is a strong and independent predictor of major complications. [8] [9]
In the last 10 years, thrombolytic therapy has become an important therapeutic tool in patients with acute MI, as survival of patients with acute MI has markedly improved as a result of thrombolysis. [10] [11] However, especially in the early phase after acute MI (within 24 hours of the onset of pain), acute complications including congestive heart failure or rhythm disturbances are commonly observed. Easily available markers for the prediction of these complications would be helpful in stratifying patients with acute MI undergoing thrombolysis into high- and low-risk groups at the time of admission to the ED or CCU. Birnbaum et al [12] demonstrated that different patterns of ST-segment changes in the initial ECG are associated with different prognoses in patients who have sustained acute MI. In contrast to the assessment of the initial ECG pattern, the amount of ST-segment elevation (ST score) seems a more easily available parameter for the treating physician in the ED or CCU. [13] The predictive value of the ST score for early complications in patients with acute MI undergoing thrombolytic therapy has not been investigated until now. We therefore designed a study to assess (1) the relationship between ST score on the admission ECG and occurrence of early complications and (2) the influence of other factors (eg, interval from onset of pain to treatment, age, sex) on this relationship in patients with acute MI undergoing thrombolytic therapy.
We conducted this study in the ED of the General Hospital (Vienna, Austria) between January 1, 1994, and December 31, 1996. Data from all patients who were admitted to the ED with evidence of an acute MI and given thrombolytic therapy were prospectively collected.
The study protocol was renewed by the local institutional review board and found to be in accordance with the ethical standards of the review board and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 1983.
In this study we sought to evaluate the relationship between ST score on the admission ECG and the occurrence of early complications and the influence of other factors (eg, interval between the onset of pain and treatment, age, and sex) on this relationship in patients with acute MI who were undergoing thrombolytic therapy.
All patients with suspected MI (eg, chest pain of >30 minutes' duration, persistent ST-segment elevation in two or more anterior or inferior leads on the admission ECG) who were undergoing thrombolytic therapy were eligible for study. Consecutive ECGs and serial creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) determinations were performed to confirm the diagnosis of acute MI (ie, evidence of new Q waves in serial ECGs, a typical increase and decrease (or both) of the CK-MB concentration in the first 24 hours after ED admission).
Patients in whom Q waves did not develop (.04 seconds or longer) and those in whom the typical increase and decrease in CK-MB concentration did not appear were excluded from further analysis. Patients with evidence of early complications on admission (eg, acute congestive heart failure on the initial chest radiograph or severe rhythm disturbances on the initial ECG) were also dismissed from analysis.
In summary, the inclusion criteria for the study were evidence of acute MI, treatment with a thrombolytic agent, and no signs of early complications at the time of ED admission.
After admission, each patient received thrombolytic treatment with 100 mg recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) in accordance with an accelerated front-loading scheme published by Neuhaus et al. [11] Treatment was preceded with an intravenous bolus of 5,000 IU conventional heparin and an oral 100-mg dose of aspirin. beta-Blockers and nitrates were given as deemed clinically appropriate.
Standard 12-lead electrocardiographic tracings were performed immediately after admission. The records were made at a paper speed of 25 mm/second and standardization at 1.0 mV to 1.0 cm. Infarct location was determined
on admission, and patients were classified a priori as having anterior MI (ST-segment elevation in leads V1 through V6) or inferior MI (ST segment elevation in leads II, III, and aVF). A small proportion of patients exhibited ST-segment elevation in both anterior (V1 through V6, I, aVL) and inferior leads (II, III, aVF, V5, V6). These patients were classified as having anterior or inferior MI depending on whether the anterior or the inferior site had the greatest ST score. [14] ST-segment elevation was measured to the nearest .5 mm at the J point and summed for all leads but aVR. [14] [15] ST-segment elevation was considered significant if it was more than .1 mm from the baseline. ST-segment depression as observed in patients with posterior AMI as well as elevations in the right ventricular leads were not included in the analysis. Evaluation of the ECG also included the assessment of the number of leads involved and the extent of ST-segment elevation divided by the number of leads involved (ST score/ number of leads with ST-segment elevation).
The ECGs were generally analyzed by the emergency physician on duty. Reevaluation was conducted by two experienced emergency physicians (MMH, WS), blinded to all clinical data. The ST scores measured by all three physicians were averaged and used for analysis. In the case of a marked difference between the physician (ie, >2 mm difference), the ECG was reanalyzed by all three emergency physicians together in an attempt to reach a consensus. The interobserver variability was 96%.
Patients with evidence of acute congestive heart failure on admission or severe rhythm disturbances at the time of the initial ECG were excluded from analysis.
Acute congestive heart failure was defined as evidence of bibasilar rales over the lungs that did not clear with coughing, a third-sound gallop over the heart and signs of congestion in one of the subsequent chest radiographs routinely performed 12 and 24 hours after ED admission. Radiographic signs of acute congestive heart failure were central or perihilar infiltrates, increased size of vessels serving the upper portions of the lungs in the upright position, and increased prominence of interlobular septa (usually bilateral and symmetric).
Severe rhythm disturbances included bradyarrhythmias (asystole, type 2 second-degree or third-degree atrioventricular block, bradycardia associated with hypotension [systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg] requiring atropine or insertion of a temporary pacemaker), and tachyarrhythmias (ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia requiring electrical or chemical cardioversion, rapid atrial fibrillation associated with hypotension [systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg] requiring digitalis or amiodarone).
All patients who died during the 24 hours after admission to the ED were noted.
We retrieved the following data from the ED charts: age, sex, duration of chest pain, peak creatine kinase (CK) and CK-MB, and complications noted during the 24 hours after ED admission. ST score was calculated according to the previously noted criteria. On the basis of these data, we established a model to predict the appearance of early complications according to the extent of the ST score in the admission ECG.
The following parameters were classified as independent variables in the model: age, sex, interval between onset of pain and the start of thrombolytic therapy, and the calculated sum of ST-segment elevation in the admission ECG.
Evidence of acute congestive heart failure or severe rhythm disturbances in the 24 hours after ED admission were the dependent or outcome variables in this model. Cutoff points were identified for the greatest sensitivity or specificity for the prediction of early complications. The influence of time from onset of pain to treatment, age, and sex was evaluated with the use of a multivariate regression analysis.
Diagnostic performance was described in terms of areas under the receiver-operator curves (ROCs) in accordance with the methods described previously. [16] [17] [18] The ROC analysis software of Centor and Keightley (Blue Ridge Express) was used to obtain area calculations.
We described continuous data with the mean and SD or median and interquartile range (IQR) as appropriate. We used the unpaired Student t test or the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test for the comparison of groups and the chi2 test for comparisons of proportions. Logistic-regression analysis was used for the estimation of odds ratios (ORs). Numeric values were rounded to the nearest integer. Two-tailed P values less than .05 were considered statistically significant.
TABLE 1 -- General data. Features Anterior MI Inferior MI P
No. of patients 119 124
Age (yr) [mean±SD] 57.1±12.2 56.2±11.5 NS
Sex (M/F) 98/21 96/28 NS
Median peak CK
value (U/L) [IQR] 1,221 (502-1,980) 724 (399-1,115) .006
Median peak CK-MB
value (U/L) [IQR] 120 (72-194) 85 (45-130) .004
ST score (mm)
[mean±SD] 14.4±9.9 8.3±4.6 <.001
Median time to therapy
(min) [IQR] 110 (75-175) 110 (85-218) NS
We included 243 patients (194 men, 49 women) with a mean±SD age of 56.6±11.8 years in the study (Table 1) . On the basis of electrocardiographic data, MI was located in the anterior wall in 119 patients and in the inferior wall in 124. Peak CK and CK-MB values were significantly greater in patients with anterior-wall infarction compared with those who had sustained inferior-wall infarctions (CK: 1,221 versus 724 U/L, P=.006; CK-MB: 120 versus 85 U/L, P=.004). Overall, in 103 patients (anterior MI: n=53; inferior MI: n=50; NS) either acute congestive heart failure (anterior MI: n=30; inferior MI: n=16; P=.03) or a rhythm disturbance (anterior MI: n=23; inferior MI: n=34; NS) was observed. The median interval from onset of pain to start of thrombolytic therapy was equal in patients with anterior and inferior MI (anterior MI: 110 minutes, IQR=75 to 175; inferior MI: 110 minutes, IQR=85 to 218; NS). Three patients died in the 24 hours after ED admission (anterior MI: n=2; inferior MI: n=1). Causes of death were cardiogenic shock (n=2) and left ventricular rupture (n=1).
In patients with evidence of complications, the sum of ST-segment elevation was significantly higher compared with
Figure 1. ROC curve showing the performance of ST score with regard to the prediction of early complications in patients with anterior MI.
that of patients without complications. This difference was observed in patients with anterior and inferior myocardial infarction (anterior MI: 10.3 versus 19.4 mm, P<.001; inferior MI: 6.9 versus 10.4 mm; P<.001). No significant differences were observed between patients with congestive heart failure and those with rhythm disturbances (anterior MI: 18.7 versus 15.9 mm, P=.42; inferior MI: 10.1 versus 9.5 mm; NS). The mean±SD ST score for the patients who died during the first 24 hours was 21.3±4.6 mm.
The number of leads with ST-segment elevation was significantly higher in patients with anterior MI and early complications than in those without serious events (4.2±1.2 versus 5.7±1.8, P<.05). In patients with inferior MI no significant difference was observed (3.3±.9 versus 3.4±.9, NS). The ST score divided by the number of leads with ST-segment elevation revealed a significantly higher score in patients with early complications compared with those without complications (anterior MI: 2.3±1.3 versus 3.6±1.9 mm/lead, P<.001; inferior MI: 1.9±.9 versus 3.0±1.4 mm/lead, P<.001). ROC curves show the performance of admission ST score in predicting early complications in anterior MI (Figure 1) . The mean±SD area under the curve is .80±.04. The optimal cutoff point maximizing sensitivity and specificity was found
Figure 2. ROC curve showing the performance of ST score with regard to the prediction of early complications in patients with inferior MI.
at 13 mm, for a sensitivity of 79% and a specificity of 73%. The relative risk (RR) was significantly greater in patients above the cutoff value than in those below the cutoff (RR, 2.98; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.9 to 4.8).
ROC curves show the performance of ST score on admission by early complications in inferior MI (Figure 2) . The mean±SD area under the curve was .72±.05. The optimal cutoff point was found at 9 mm, for a sensitivity of 64% and specificity of 68%. The RR is significantly greater in patients above the cutoff value compared with those below the cutoff value (RR, 2.1; IQR, 1.4 to 3.2).
With the cutoff values derived from ROC analysis, logistic-regression analysis showed that the admission ST score on admission was an independent predictor of the occurrence of early complications in patients with anterior MI (OR, 9.7; 95% CI, 3.9 to 25.1; P<.0001) and in patients with inferior MI (OR, 5.0; 95% CI, 2.0 to 12.8; P=.0002) (Table 2 , Figure 3) . An increase of 1.0 mm in ST score increases the odds of complications by 1.1 (95% CI, 1.1 to 1.2) for anterior MI and by 1.2 (95% CI, 1.1 to 1.4) for inferior MI. No other clinical variables available at the time of ED presentation were significantly associated with the occurrence of early complications in patients with anterior or inferior MI.
The initial ECG is frequently used to predict acute MI, serious complications and in-hospital mortality. [1] [2] [3] These studies were designed mainly to identify patients at high risk for a subsequent MI. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Therefore patients with suspected acute MI were classified into high- and low-risk groups on the
TABLE 2 -- Multivariate analysis for the occurrence of early complications.
Anterior MI (n=119) Inferior MI (n=124)
Features OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P
Age (yr)
70 1.0 NS 1.0 NS
>70 1.36 (.24-7.45)
.53 (.14-1.8)
Sex .84 (.22-3.29) NS .52 (.18-1.45) NS
Time to therapy
120 1.0 NS 1.0 NS
>120 1.46 (.55-3.99)
1.45 (.6-3.55)
ST score (mm)
13 1.0 <.0001
>13 9.73 (3.94-25.1)
1.0 .0002
4.98 (2.04-12.84)
basis of evidence or absence of specific electrocardiographic patterns (eg, ST-segment elevation, left bundle-branch block, left ventricular hypertrophy, ST-segment depression). [1] Brush et al [1] demonstrated that patients with such "positive" admission-ECG findings had a significantly greater risk of a subsequent acute MI, serious complications or death than those with "negative" ECG findings. Also, patients with minimally abnormal admission ECG findings had a low risk of subsequent MI. [7]
In contrast, our study included patients with evidence of acute MI and was initiated to separate MI patients into those at high and low risk for subsequent complications in the 24 hours after admission on the basis of the ST score. In our series of 243 patients, the ST score was a good predictor of early complications during the 24 hours after acute MI; the ST score was significantly higher in patients with evidence of early complications compared with those without any events. This difference was observed in patients with anterior and inferior Mis, indicating that the ST score can be used independent of the infarct location. We also identified cutoff values of the ST score to calculate the risk for the occurrence of early complications. If the sum of the ST-segment elevations was greater than these cutoff values, the odds of early complications were 10 times greater in patients with anterior MI and five times greater in patients with inferior MI (Figure 3) . Other factors--age, sex, and time between onset of pain and thrombolysis--had no effect on the occurrence of early complications. Therefore ST
Figure 3. Schematic representation of the frequency of early complications in patients with anterior or inferior myocardial infarction according to the magnitude of the ST score on the admission ECG.
score remains the only predictor of the occurrence of early complications in patients with acute MI.
The extent of the ST score is determined by the total number of leads and by the extent of ST-segment elevation in each lead with ST-segment changes. A higher ST score, therefore, can be due to an increase in the total number of leads with ST-segment elevation, an increase in the extent of ST-segment elevation in each lead, or both.
In patients with anterior MI and early complications increased ST score is caused not only by greater ST-segment elevation in each lead but by a higher total number of leads with ST-segment elevations. Therefore ST score may reflect the area of endangered myocardium in patients with anterior MI. Our data are in line with the findings of previously published reports demonstrating a relationship between ST score and infarct size. [19] [20] These reports also showed a correlation between the amount of ST-segment elevation and serious complications or death. [4] [21] [22] Figueras [4] et al reported a significant relationship between high ST-segment elevation and left ventricular rupture in patients with acute inferior MI. [4] Nielsen et al [21] demonstrated that "major ST elevations" were associated with a higher risk of fatal events compared with the patients with "minor ST elevations." These data are confirmed by our findings; the three patients who died in the first 24 hours were characterized by above-average ST scores (mean, 21.3 mm).
In contrast, the higher ST score in patients with inferior MI and early complications is caused by a greater ST-segment elevation in each affected lead; the total number of leads involved was similar in patients with and without early complications. Therefore, in patients with inferior MI, ST score only partially reflects the area of endangered myocardium.
Because ST-segment depressions are frequently observed in patients with inferior MI, [23] the exclusion of ST-segment depressions from ST-score calculation seems to be responsible for the lack of correlation between the area of endangered myocardium and ST score in patients with inferior MI. The calculation of the ST score without ST-segment depressions also contributes to the significant difference in the cutoff values between patients with anterior and inferior MI (9 mm versus 13 mm). However, ST-segment depression may be due to many nonischemic and chronic conditions (eg, left ventricular hypertrophy, treatment with digoxin or digitoxin, bundle-branch block) that may interfere with the acute ST-segment depressions caused by myocardial ischemia. Therefore inclusion of ST-segment depressions in such patients may lead to an increased ST score, resulting in decreased specificity. Currently the ST-scoring system is not suitable for patients with posterior infarction; these patients mainly exhibit ST-segment depressions. Further studies are required to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of ST-segment depressions in the ST score on sensitivity and specificity of our cutoff values in patients with inferior MI.
It must be emphasized that the results of our study are restricted to patients undergoing thrombolysis. The interval between onset of pain and treatment ranged from a minimum of 30 minutes to a maximum of 6 hours. It must also be emphasized that this interval may be too small to have any influence on the relationship between ST score and early complications. Whether longer intervals (eg, 6 to 12 hours between the onset of pain and the start of treatment) have any influence on the occurrence of early complications cannot be answered with our data. Also, the association between the area of endangered myocardium and the extent of ST score may be weak, especially in patients with inferior MI. Other methods such as echocardiography, scintigraphy or even biochemical markers may provide more accurate data about the area of endangered myocardium or infarct size. [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] Therefore these methods may be used to predict early complications more precisely than may the ST score. However, these methods require technical or laboratory skills, which may not be available in all EDs on a 24-hour basis. Additionally, none of these parameters is as easily available at the time of admission as the ST score.
Despite these limitations, our data have important clinical implications in the treatment of patients with acute MI. First, evaluation of the ST score on the initial ECG provides a simple method with which to identify patients at high risk for early complications. It follows that the patient at risk for complications may be transferred to an intermediate care unit with telemetric monitoring and trained nursing personnel. This procedure may save costs without compromising patient care. Second, patients at high risk of complications may be considered for a more aggressive therapeutic approach (eg, angioplasty or coronary artery bypass grafting) to reduce the risk of severe early complications.
In conclusion, the absolute ST score is useful in estimating the probability of early complications in patients with acute MI receiving thrombolytic therapy. A cutoff value of 13 mm for anterior MI and 9 mm for inferior MI risk-stratifies patients into high- and low-risk subgroups for development of acute congestive heart failure and severe rhythm disturbances during the first 24 hours of hospitalization. We therefore assume that the calculation of ST-segment elevation score on the admission ECG is clinically relevant because patients with acute MI may be classified as being at high or low risk shortly after ED admission. This stratification may have an important effect on the further treatment of the patient.
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TABLE 3 -- Sensitivity and specificity of different cutoff values in patients with anterior MI Cutoff Value
(ST Score [mm]) Sensitivity Specificity
51 .00 .98
50 .02 .98
42 .04 .97
38 .06 .97
31 .08 .97
30 .13 .97
29 .17 .97
28 .19 .97
27 .23 .97
26 .25 .97
25 .26 .95
24 .32 .95
23 .38 .95
22 .40 .95
21 .45 .95
20 .45 .92
19 .51 .91
18 .53 .89
17 .55 .86
16 .55 .83
15 .60 .82
14 .72 .79
13 .79 .73
12 .79 .68
11 .85 .65
10 .87 .56
9 .87 .50
8 .89 .35
7 .94 .32
6 .96 .27
5 1.00 .23
4 1.00 .15
3 1.00 .08
2 1.00 .02
0 1.00 .00
TABLE 4 -- Sensitivity and specificity of different cutoff values in patients with inferior MI Cutoff Value
(ST Score [mm]) Sensitivity Specificity
30 .02 1.00
21 .02 .99
18 .06 .97
17 .06 .96
16 .08 .96
15 .16 .95
14 .24 .93
13 .30 .93
12 .40 .93
11 .54 .86
10 .56 .80
9 .64 .68
8 .70 .58
7 .78 .53
6 .86 .41
5 .90 .32
4 .96 .22
3 .96 .07
2 .98 .00
1 1.00 .00
Marianne Gwechenberger MD
Wolfgang Schreiber MD
Harald Kittler MD
Michael Binder MD
Bernhard Hohenberger
Anton N Laggner MD
Michael M Hirschl MD
Clinic of Internal Medicine II, Department of Cardiology Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
Study objective:
To assess the relationship between the sum of ST-segment elevations (ST score) in the admission ECG and the occurrence of early complications in patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI).
We conducted an observational study of patients who presented with acute anterior or inferior MI to the ED of a 2,000-bed inner-city hospital. Age, sex, time from onset of pain and the start of thrombolysis, and ST score were evaluated by the emergency physician. "Early complications" were defined as acute congestive heart failure or severe rhythm disturbances in the 24 hours after the start of thrombolysis. The outcome measures were the relationship between ST score and the occurrence of early complications; the influence of age, sex, or time between onset of pain and thrombolysis; and identification of a cutoff value with the highest sensitivity and specificity for prediction of complications.
We included 243 patients (194 men, 49 women; mean age, 56.6 years) with acute MI (anterior, 119; inferior, 124) who underwent thrombolysis in our analysis. ST score was significantly greater in patients with early complications, compared with patients without complications (anterior, 10.3 versus 19.4 mm [ P<.001]; inferior, 6.9 versus 10.4 mm [ P<.001]). Receiver-operator curve analysis revealed an ST score of 13 mm in patients with anterior MI and 9 mm in patients with inferior MI as the cutoff value with the greatest sensitivity and specificity for predicting early complications of MI. (For anterior MI, sensitivity was .79, specificity .73; for inferior MI, sensitivity was .64 and specificity .68.). On multivariate regression analysis, ST score was an independent predictor of the occurrence of at least one complication. (For anterior MI, the odds ratio [OR] was 9.7 and the 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.9 to 25.1; for inferior MI the OR was 5.0 and the 95% CI 2.0 to 12.8). Age, sex, and interval from onset of pain to treatment had no significant effect on the occurrence of early complications.
The absolute ST score is useful in estimating the probability of early complications in patients with acute MI receiving
thrombolytic therapy. A cutoff value of 13 mm for anterior MI and 9 mm for inferior MI stratifies patients into high- and low-risk subgroups for the development of acute congestive heart failure and severe rhythm disturbances during the first 24 hours of hospitalization.
[Gwechenberger M, Schreiber W, Kittler H, Binder M, Hohenberger B, Laggner A, Hirschl MM: Prediction of early complications in patients with acute myocardial infarction by calculation of the ST score. Ann Emerg Med November 1997;30:563-570.]
Received for publication February 28, 1997.
Revision received June 20, 1997.
Accepted for publication July 3, 1997.
Copyright © by the American College of Emergency Physicians.
Address for reprints:
Michael M Hirschl, MD
Department of Emergency Medicine
Wahringer Gurtel 18-20
A-1090 Vienna
Fax 43-1-40400-1965
The initial ECGs of patients admitted to the ED or CCU have been used to stratify patients into groups at low and high risk for the development of in-hospital life-threatening complications and death. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Whereas signs of myocardial infarction (MI), left bundle-branch block, and left ventricular hypertrophy on the initial ECG are associated with a high frequency of adverse events or the need for procedures, [6] normal ECG findings or an ECG with minimal changes indicate a low risk of further complications in patients with suspected MI. [7] In addition, it has been demonstrated that the presence of ST-segment elevation in lead V4R in patients with acute inferior MI is a strong and independent predictor of major complications. [8] [9]
In the last 10 years, thrombolytic therapy has become an important therapeutic tool in patients with acute MI, as survival of patients with acute MI has markedly improved as a result of thrombolysis. [10] [11] However, especially in the early phase after acute MI (within 24 hours of the onset of pain), acute complications including congestive heart failure or rhythm disturbances are commonly observed. Easily available markers for the prediction of these complications would be helpful in stratifying patients with acute MI undergoing thrombolysis into high- and low-risk groups at the time of admission to the ED or CCU. Birnbaum et al [12] demonstrated that different patterns of ST-segment changes in the initial ECG are associated with different prognoses in patients who have sustained acute MI. In contrast to the assessment of the initial ECG pattern, the amount of ST-segment elevation (ST score) seems a more easily available parameter for the treating physician in the ED or CCU. [13] The predictive value of the ST score for early complications in patients with acute MI undergoing thrombolytic therapy has not been investigated until now. We therefore designed a study to assess (1) the relationship between ST score on the admission ECG and occurrence of early complications and (2) the influence of other factors (eg, interval from onset of pain to treatment, age, sex) on this relationship in patients with acute MI undergoing thrombolytic therapy.
We conducted this study in the ED of the General Hospital (Vienna, Austria) between January 1, 1994, and December 31, 1996. Data from all patients who were admitted to the ED with evidence of an acute MI and given thrombolytic therapy were prospectively collected.
The study protocol was renewed by the local institutional review board and found to be in accordance with the ethical standards of the review board and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 1983.
In this study we sought to evaluate the relationship between ST score on the admission ECG and the occurrence of early complications and the influence of other factors (eg, interval between the onset of pain and treatment, age, and sex) on this relationship in patients with acute MI who were undergoing thrombolytic therapy.
All patients with suspected MI (eg, chest pain of >30 minutes' duration, persistent ST-segment elevation in two or more anterior or inferior leads on the admission ECG) who were undergoing thrombolytic therapy were eligible for study. Consecutive ECGs and serial creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) determinations were performed to confirm the diagnosis of acute MI (ie, evidence of new Q waves in serial ECGs, a typical increase and decrease (or both) of the CK-MB concentration in the first 24 hours after ED admission).
Patients in whom Q waves did not develop (.04 seconds or longer) and those in whom the typical increase and decrease in CK-MB concentration did not appear were excluded from further analysis. Patients with evidence of early complications on admission (eg, acute congestive heart failure on the initial chest radiograph or severe rhythm disturbances on the initial ECG) were also dismissed from analysis.
In summary, the inclusion criteria for the study were evidence of acute MI, treatment with a thrombolytic agent, and no signs of early complications at the time of ED admission.
After admission, each patient received thrombolytic treatment with 100 mg recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) in accordance with an accelerated front-loading scheme published by Neuhaus et al. [11] Treatment was preceded with an intravenous bolus of 5,000 IU conventional heparin and an oral 100-mg dose of aspirin. beta-Blockers and nitrates were given as deemed clinically appropriate.
Standard 12-lead electrocardiographic tracings were performed immediately after admission. The records were made at a paper speed of 25 mm/second and standardization at 1.0 mV to 1.0 cm. Infarct location was determined
on admission, and patients were classified a priori as having anterior MI (ST-segment elevation in leads V1 through V6) or inferior MI (ST segment elevation in leads II, III, and aVF). A small proportion of patients exhibited ST-segment elevation in both anterior (V1 through V6, I, aVL) and inferior leads (II, III, aVF, V5, V6). These patients were classified as having anterior or inferior MI depending on whether the anterior or the inferior site had the greatest ST score. [14] ST-segment elevation was measured to the nearest .5 mm at the J point and summed for all leads but aVR. [14] [15] ST-segment elevation was considered significant if it was more than .1 mm from the baseline. ST-segment depression as observed in patients with posterior AMI as well as elevations in the right ventricular leads were not included in the analysis. Evaluation of the ECG also included the assessment of the number of leads involved and the extent of ST-segment elevation divided by the number of leads involved (ST score/ number of leads with ST-segment elevation).
The ECGs were generally analyzed by the emergency physician on duty. Reevaluation was conducted by two experienced emergency physicians (MMH, WS), blinded to all clinical data. The ST scores measured by all three physicians were averaged and used for analysis. In the case of a marked difference between the physician (ie, >2 mm difference), the ECG was reanalyzed by all three emergency physicians together in an attempt to reach a consensus. The interobserver variability was 96%.
Patients with evidence of acute congestive heart failure on admission or severe rhythm disturbances at the time of the initial ECG were excluded from analysis.
Acute congestive heart failure was defined as evidence of bibasilar rales over the lungs that did not clear with coughing, a third-sound gallop over the heart and signs of congestion in one of the subsequent chest radiographs routinely performed 12 and 24 hours after ED admission. Radiographic signs of acute congestive heart failure were central or perihilar infiltrates, increased size of vessels serving the upper portions of the lungs in the upright position, and increased prominence of interlobular septa (usually bilateral and symmetric).
Severe rhythm disturbances included bradyarrhythmias (asystole, type 2 second-degree or third-degree atrioventricular block, bradycardia associated with hypotension [systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg] requiring atropine or insertion of a temporary pacemaker), and tachyarrhythmias (ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia requiring electrical or chemical cardioversion, rapid atrial fibrillation associated with hypotension [systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg] requiring digitalis or amiodarone).
All patients who died during the 24 hours after admission to the ED were noted.
We retrieved the following data from the ED charts: age, sex, duration of chest pain, peak creatine kinase (CK) and CK-MB, and complications noted during the 24 hours after ED admission. ST score was calculated according to the previously noted criteria. On the basis of these data, we established a model to predict the appearance of early complications according to the extent of the ST score in the admission ECG.
The following parameters were classified as independent variables in the model: age, sex, interval between onset of pain and the start of thrombolytic therapy, and the calculated sum of ST-segment elevation in the admission ECG.
Evidence of acute congestive heart failure or severe rhythm disturbances in the 24 hours after ED admission were the dependent or outcome variables in this model. Cutoff points were identified for the greatest sensitivity or specificity for the prediction of early complications. The influence of time from onset of pain to treatment, age, and sex was evaluated with the use of a multivariate regression analysis.
Diagnostic performance was described in terms of areas under the receiver-operator curves (ROCs) in accordance with the methods described previously. [16] [17] [18] The ROC analysis software of Centor and Keightley (Blue Ridge Express) was used to obtain area calculations.
We described continuous data with the mean and SD or median and interquartile range (IQR) as appropriate. We used the unpaired Student t test or the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test for the comparison of groups and the chi2 test for comparisons of proportions. Logistic-regression analysis was used for the estimation of odds ratios (ORs). Numeric values were rounded to the nearest integer. Two-tailed P values less than .05 were considered statistically significant.
TABLE 1 -- General data. Features Anterior MI Inferior MI P
No. of patients 119 124
Age (yr) [mean±SD] 57.1±12.2 56.2±11.5 NS
Sex (M/F) 98/21 96/28 NS
Median peak CK
value (U/L) [IQR] 1,221 (502-1,980) 724 (399-1,115) .006
Median peak CK-MB
value (U/L) [IQR] 120 (72-194) 85 (45-130) .004
ST score (mm)
[mean±SD] 14.4±9.9 8.3±4.6 <.001
Median time to therapy
(min) [IQR] 110 (75-175) 110 (85-218) NS
We included 243 patients (194 men, 49 women) with a mean±SD age of 56.6±11.8 years in the study (Table 1) . On the basis of electrocardiographic data, MI was located in the anterior wall in 119 patients and in the inferior wall in 124. Peak CK and CK-MB values were significantly greater in patients with anterior-wall infarction compared with those who had sustained inferior-wall infarctions (CK: 1,221 versus 724 U/L, P=.006; CK-MB: 120 versus 85 U/L, P=.004). Overall, in 103 patients (anterior MI: n=53; inferior MI: n=50; NS) either acute congestive heart failure (anterior MI: n=30; inferior MI: n=16; P=.03) or a rhythm disturbance (anterior MI: n=23; inferior MI: n=34; NS) was observed. The median interval from onset of pain to start of thrombolytic therapy was equal in patients with anterior and inferior MI (anterior MI: 110 minutes, IQR=75 to 175; inferior MI: 110 minutes, IQR=85 to 218; NS). Three patients died in the 24 hours after ED admission (anterior MI: n=2; inferior MI: n=1). Causes of death were cardiogenic shock (n=2) and left ventricular rupture (n=1).
In patients with evidence of complications, the sum of ST-segment elevation was significantly higher compared with
Figure 1. ROC curve showing the performance of ST score with regard to the prediction of early complications in patients with anterior MI.
that of patients without complications. This difference was observed in patients with anterior and inferior myocardial infarction (anterior MI: 10.3 versus 19.4 mm, P<.001; inferior MI: 6.9 versus 10.4 mm; P<.001). No significant differences were observed between patients with congestive heart failure and those with rhythm disturbances (anterior MI: 18.7 versus 15.9 mm, P=.42; inferior MI: 10.1 versus 9.5 mm; NS). The mean±SD ST score for the patients who died during the first 24 hours was 21.3±4.6 mm.
The number of leads with ST-segment elevation was significantly higher in patients with anterior MI and early complications than in those without serious events (4.2±1.2 versus 5.7±1.8, P<.05). In patients with inferior MI no significant difference was observed (3.3±.9 versus 3.4±.9, NS). The ST score divided by the number of leads with ST-segment elevation revealed a significantly higher score in patients with early complications compared with those without complications (anterior MI: 2.3±1.3 versus 3.6±1.9 mm/lead, P<.001; inferior MI: 1.9±.9 versus 3.0±1.4 mm/lead, P<.001). ROC curves show the performance of admission ST score in predicting early complications in anterior MI (Figure 1) . The mean±SD area under the curve is .80±.04. The optimal cutoff point maximizing sensitivity and specificity was found
Figure 2. ROC curve showing the performance of ST score with regard to the prediction of early complications in patients with inferior MI.
at 13 mm, for a sensitivity of 79% and a specificity of 73%. The relative risk (RR) was significantly greater in patients above the cutoff value than in those below the cutoff (RR, 2.98; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.9 to 4.8).
ROC curves show the performance of ST score on admission by early complications in inferior MI (Figure 2) . The mean±SD area under the curve was .72±.05. The optimal cutoff point was found at 9 mm, for a sensitivity of 64% and specificity of 68%. The RR is significantly greater in patients above the cutoff value compared with those below the cutoff value (RR, 2.1; IQR, 1.4 to 3.2).
With the cutoff values derived from ROC analysis, logistic-regression analysis showed that the admission ST score on admission was an independent predictor of the occurrence of early complications in patients with anterior MI (OR, 9.7; 95% CI, 3.9 to 25.1; P<.0001) and in patients with inferior MI (OR, 5.0; 95% CI, 2.0 to 12.8; P=.0002) (Table 2 , Figure 3) . An increase of 1.0 mm in ST score increases the odds of complications by 1.1 (95% CI, 1.1 to 1.2) for anterior MI and by 1.2 (95% CI, 1.1 to 1.4) for inferior MI. No other clinical variables available at the time of ED presentation were significantly associated with the occurrence of early complications in patients with anterior or inferior MI.
The initial ECG is frequently used to predict acute MI, serious complications and in-hospital mortality. [1] [2] [3] These studies were designed mainly to identify patients at high risk for a subsequent MI. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Therefore patients with suspected acute MI were classified into high- and low-risk groups on the
TABLE 2 -- Multivariate analysis for the occurrence of early complications.
Anterior MI (n=119) Inferior MI (n=124)
Features OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P
Age (yr)
70 1.0 NS 1.0 NS
>70 1.36 (.24-7.45)
.53 (.14-1.8)
Sex .84 (.22-3.29) NS .52 (.18-1.45) NS
Time to therapy
120 1.0 NS 1.0 NS
>120 1.46 (.55-3.99)
1.45 (.6-3.55)
ST score (mm)
13 1.0 <.0001
>13 9.73 (3.94-25.1)
1.0 .0002
4.98 (2.04-12.84)
basis of evidence or absence of specific electrocardiographic patterns (eg, ST-segment elevation, left bundle-branch block, left ventricular hypertrophy, ST-segment depression). [1] Brush et al [1] demonstrated that patients with such "positive" admission-ECG findings had a significantly greater risk of a subsequent acute MI, serious complications or death than those with "negative" ECG findings. Also, patients with minimally abnormal admission ECG findings had a low risk of subsequent MI. [7]
In contrast, our study included patients with evidence of acute MI and was initiated to separate MI patients into those at high and low risk for subsequent complications in the 24 hours after admission on the basis of the ST score. In our series of 243 patients, the ST score was a good predictor of early complications during the 24 hours after acute MI; the ST score was significantly higher in patients with evidence of early complications compared with those without any events. This difference was observed in patients with anterior and inferior Mis, indicating that the ST score can be used independent of the infarct location. We also identified cutoff values of the ST score to calculate the risk for the occurrence of early complications. If the sum of the ST-segment elevations was greater than these cutoff values, the odds of early complications were 10 times greater in patients with anterior MI and five times greater in patients with inferior MI (Figure 3) . Other factors--age, sex, and time between onset of pain and thrombolysis--had no effect on the occurrence of early complications. Therefore ST
Figure 3. Schematic representation of the frequency of early complications in patients with anterior or inferior myocardial infarction according to the magnitude of the ST score on the admission ECG.
score remains the only predictor of the occurrence of early complications in patients with acute MI.
The extent of the ST score is determined by the total number of leads and by the extent of ST-segment elevation in each lead with ST-segment changes. A higher ST score, therefore, can be due to an increase in the total number of leads with ST-segment elevation, an increase in the extent of ST-segment elevation in each lead, or both.
In patients with anterior MI and early complications increased ST score is caused not only by greater ST-segment elevation in each lead but by a higher total number of leads with ST-segment elevations. Therefore ST score may reflect the area of endangered myocardium in patients with anterior MI. Our data are in line with the findings of previously published reports demonstrating a relationship between ST score and infarct size. [19] [20] These reports also showed a correlation between the amount of ST-segment elevation and serious complications or death. [4] [21] [22] Figueras [4] et al reported a significant relationship between high ST-segment elevation and left ventricular rupture in patients with acute inferior MI. [4] Nielsen et al [21] demonstrated that "major ST elevations" were associated with a higher risk of fatal events compared with the patients with "minor ST elevations." These data are confirmed by our findings; the three patients who died in the first 24 hours were characterized by above-average ST scores (mean, 21.3 mm).
In contrast, the higher ST score in patients with inferior MI and early complications is caused by a greater ST-segment elevation in each affected lead; the total number of leads involved was similar in patients with and without early complications. Therefore, in patients with inferior MI, ST score only partially reflects the area of endangered myocardium.
Because ST-segment depressions are frequently observed in patients with inferior MI, [23] the exclusion of ST-segment depressions from ST-score calculation seems to be responsible for the lack of correlation between the area of endangered myocardium and ST score in patients with inferior MI. The calculation of the ST score without ST-segment depressions also contributes to the significant difference in the cutoff values between patients with anterior and inferior MI (9 mm versus 13 mm). However, ST-segment depression may be due to many nonischemic and chronic conditions (eg, left ventricular hypertrophy, treatment with digoxin or digitoxin, bundle-branch block) that may interfere with the acute ST-segment depressions caused by myocardial ischemia. Therefore inclusion of ST-segment depressions in such patients may lead to an increased ST score, resulting in decreased specificity. Currently the ST-scoring system is not suitable for patients with posterior infarction; these patients mainly exhibit ST-segment depressions. Further studies are required to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of ST-segment depressions in the ST score on sensitivity and specificity of our cutoff values in patients with inferior MI.
It must be emphasized that the results of our study are restricted to patients undergoing thrombolysis. The interval between onset of pain and treatment ranged from a minimum of 30 minutes to a maximum of 6 hours. It must also be emphasized that this interval may be too small to have any influence on the relationship between ST score and early complications. Whether longer intervals (eg, 6 to 12 hours between the onset of pain and the start of treatment) have any influence on the occurrence of early complications cannot be answered with our data. Also, the association between the area of endangered myocardium and the extent of ST score may be weak, especially in patients with inferior MI. Other methods such as echocardiography, scintigraphy or even biochemical markers may provide more accurate data about the area of endangered myocardium or infarct size. [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] Therefore these methods may be used to predict early complications more precisely than may the ST score. However, these methods require technical or laboratory skills, which may not be available in all EDs on a 24-hour basis. Additionally, none of these parameters is as easily available at the time of admission as the ST score.
Despite these limitations, our data have important clinical implications in the treatment of patients with acute MI. First, evaluation of the ST score on the initial ECG provides a simple method with which to identify patients at high risk for early complications. It follows that the patient at risk for complications may be transferred to an intermediate care unit with telemetric monitoring and trained nursing personnel. This procedure may save costs without compromising patient care. Second, patients at high risk of complications may be considered for a more aggressive therapeutic approach (eg, angioplasty or coronary artery bypass grafting) to reduce the risk of severe early complications.
In conclusion, the absolute ST score is useful in estimating the probability of early complications in patients with acute MI receiving thrombolytic therapy. A cutoff value of 13 mm for anterior MI and 9 mm for inferior MI risk-stratifies patients into high- and low-risk subgroups for development of acute congestive heart failure and severe rhythm disturbances during the first 24 hours of hospitalization. We therefore assume that the calculation of ST-segment elevation score on the admission ECG is clinically relevant because patients with acute MI may be classified as being at high or low risk shortly after ED admission. This stratification may have an important effect on the further treatment of the patient.
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TABLE 3 -- Sensitivity and specificity of different cutoff values in patients with anterior MI Cutoff Value
(ST Score [mm]) Sensitivity Specificity
51 .00 .98
50 .02 .98
42 .04 .97
38 .06 .97
31 .08 .97
30 .13 .97
29 .17 .97
28 .19 .97
27 .23 .97
26 .25 .97
25 .26 .95
24 .32 .95
23 .38 .95
22 .40 .95
21 .45 .95
20 .45 .92
19 .51 .91
18 .53 .89
17 .55 .86
16 .55 .83
15 .60 .82
14 .72 .79
13 .79 .73
12 .79 .68
11 .85 .65
10 .87 .56
9 .87 .50
8 .89 .35
7 .94 .32
6 .96 .27
5 1.00 .23
4 1.00 .15
3 1.00 .08
2 1.00 .02
0 1.00 .00
TABLE 4 -- Sensitivity and specificity of different cutoff values in patients with inferior MI Cutoff Value
(ST Score [mm]) Sensitivity Specificity
30 .02 1.00
21 .02 .99
18 .06 .97
17 .06 .96
16 .08 .96
15 .16 .95
14 .24 .93
13 .30 .93
12 .40 .93
11 .54 .86
10 .56 .80
9 .64 .68
8 .70 .58
7 .78 .53
6 .86 .41
5 .90 .32
4 .96 .22
3 .96 .07
2 .98 .00
1 1.00 .00
Thursday, May 7, 2009
What is an acute myocardial infarction?
Russell V. Luepker
School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
The accurate diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is crucial for many reasons. For the practicing physician, the diagnosis has clear and directive therapeutic implications. For the hospital administrator, it has important influences on resource allocation and quality assurance. For the clinical trialist, it defines outcomes in studies of new therapies. For the epidemiologist, case definitions are essential for understanding incidence and prevalence and for monitoring disease trends in the population. However, despite its importance, the definition of AMI is in flux, leading to ambiguity and confusion for clinicians, administrators, trialists and epidemiologists.
Common case-criteria for AMI developed in the 1960s from a need to establish heart disease registries. Most of these efforts focused on discharge diagnoses and retrospective surveillance. The criteria became the widely used 'World Health Organization (WHO) criteria' [1,2], and included a triad of elements: classical symptoms, enzyme elevation and electrocardiographic (ECG) changes, particularly the newly developed Q-waves. But these were ambiguous ‘criteria’, enabling clinicians and investigators to use them as they saw fit, and yet still claim to be using the WHO standard. This ambiguity meant that comparisons of AMI between centers and over time were difficult and often invalid.
The field advanced in the 1980s with the advent of large surveillance projects that developed explicit definitions for symptoms, enzyme levels and ECG patterns. The WHO MONICA (multinational MONItoring of trends and determinants in CArdiovascular disease) study and parallel efforts in the United States exemplified this advance [3,4].
Unfortunately, the discharge diagnoses approach and retrospective chart abstraction used in these trials did not allow for an immediate diagnosis, which is needed for acute therapy, where clinicians must make decisions with limited information. Furthermore, the changing presentation of AMI was not taken into account, and the various new biomarkers were not used.
Changing treatments
The emergence of acute reperfusion therapies implied a need for rapid diagnosis. Thrombolysis and percutaneous angioplasty, early treatment interventions designed to restore blood flow, were highly effective but only when performed within hours of the onset of symptoms.
New biomarkers
The advent of new biomarkers, specifically troponins, also dramatically altered the field. Troponins are highly sensitive and specific blood markers of cardiac myocyte damage [5-7]. In comparison with older enzyme markers such as lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), creatine kinase (CK) and CK isoenzyme MB, they represent a ‘sea change’ in diagnosis, because they allow smaller infarcts to be detected - and to be detected more quickly.
Changing presentation
Finally, the presentation of the disease began to change as traditional Q-wave infarctions diminished and a more subtle form of ECG-based AMI became prevalent [8].
This combination of clinical needs, improved diagnostic technology and changes in the presentation led to widespread interest in revising the diagnostic criteria for AMI, resulting in a series of new and widely endorsed AMI definitions.
In 2000, a joint working group of the European Society of Cardiology and American College of Cardiology developed a statement on the redefinition of myocardial infarction [9]. It addressed both the need for a more rapid diagnosis and the advent of new biomarker technologies. It also suggested that diagnostic imaging would play a role in case definitions.
Later on, in 2003, an American Heart Association (AHA), WHO and US National Institutes of Health (NIH) group put forward definitions necessary for population surveillance of cardiovascular disease [10]. These epidemiological criteria focused on longer-term surveillance issues, in which consistency of case definition is crucial. The group also considered comparisons between modern and earlier enzyme-defined cases.
Most recently, in 2007, a combined group of all these organizations discussed a universal definition of myocardial infarction. It refined and better described a number of clinical situations in which myocardial infarction might be considered, including inadequate oxygen supply, trauma, and myocardial infarction associated with cardiac procedures [11].
The results of the technological advances and the new definitions are dramatic. A number of studies have demonstrated that the use of troponins can lead to substantial increases in the number of patients hospitalized with AMI. In one study, using troponin as a biomarker instead of CK or CK-MB resulted, respectively, in a 0-320% or 3.9-195% increase in AMI hospitalizations [12].
These differences are debated in the literature, but most investigators suggest that using troponin as a biomarker results in the detection of milder myocardial infarctions [13-15]. These ’small‘ AMIs nonetheless carry prognostic significance, because long-term follow-up demonstrates that even minor perturbations are associated with increased long-term mortality [16].
This trend will be enhanced by the advent of ultrasensitive cardiac troponin markers, which enable clinicians to reliably detect even lower levels of troponin [17]. One result of more sensitive markers is the revelation that a mild elevation in troponins is associated with other cardiac and non-cardiac diseases. These include a variety of pathologies, from heart failure to pulmonary embolisms and renal failure. In addition, extreme exertion is associated with a mild elevation in troponins [11]. These observations add confusion to the field.
Given these recent changes, what are reasonable recommendations? It is apparent that the contemporary diagnosis of AMI is driven by biomarkers, specifically troponins. Using these markers in combination with symptoms will result in the diagnosis of AMI even in the setting of negative cardiograms. For the emergency reperfusion situation, a single biomarker and/or cardiographic changes might be all that is available and adequate to make a diagnosis for reperfusion treatment. For monitoring disease trends and for trials, multiple markers - at least 2 - in an ascending or descending pattern in association with symptoms are essential for making the diagnosis.
In the future, we will see a continuing evolution of the definition of AMI as more sensitive measures of myocardial damage emerge. Disease rates will rise in the setting of milder cases, as a result of more-sensitive measures. These changes should provide direction for clinicians to implement the most effective therapies for their patients, based on an improved understanding of the underlying pathophysiology. For those interested in disease outcomes, a continuing evolution of data-based criteria is needed.
1. Weinstein BJ, Epstein FH. Comparability of criteria and methods in the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease. Report of a survey. Circulation 1964;30:643-653.
2. World Health Organization. Working group on the establishment of ischaemic heart disease registers: Report of the fifth working group. 1971; WHO Report No. Eur 8201(5); Copenhagen.
3. Gillum RF, Folsom A, Luepker RV, et al. Sudden death and acute myocardial infarction in a metropolitan area, 1970-1980. The Minnesota Heart Survey. N Engl J Med 1983;309:1353-1358.
4. Tunstall-Pedoe H, Kuulasmaa K, Amouyel P, et al. Myocardial infarction and coronary deaths in the World Health Organization MONICA Project. Registration procedures, event rates, and case-fatality rates in 38 populations from 21 countries in four continents. Circulation 1994;90:583-612.
5. Apple FS. Cardiac troponin monitoring for detection of myocardial infarction: Newer generation assays are here to stay. Clinica Chimica Acta 2007;380:1-3.
6. Apple FS, Jesse RL, Newby LK, et al. National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and IFCC Committee for Standardization of Markers of Cardiac Damage Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines: Analytical issues for biochemical markers of acute coronary syndromes. Clin Chem 2007;53:547-551.
7. Saenger AK, Jaffe AS. Requiem for a heavyweight: the demise of creatine kinase-MB. Circulation 2008;118:2200-2206.
8. Crow RS, Hannan PJ, Jacobs DR Jr, et al. Eliminating diagnostic drift in the validation of acute in-hospital myocardial infarction - implication for documenting trends across 25 years: the Minnesota Heart Survey. Am J Epidemiol 2005;161:377-388.
9. Alpert JS, Thygesen K, Antman E, Bassand JP. Myocardial infarction redefined - a consensus document of The Joint European Society of Cardiology/American College of Cardiology Committee for the redefinition of myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;36:959-969.
10. Luepker RV, Apple FS, Christenson RH, et al. Case definitions for acute coronary heart disease in epidemiology and clinical research studies: a statement from the AHA Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; AHA Statistics Committee; World Heart Federation Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Epidemiology and Prevention; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Circulation 2003;108:2543-2549.
11. Thygesen K, Alpert JS, White HD; Joint ESC/ACCF/AHA/WHF Task Force for the Redefinition of Myocardial Infarction. Universal definition of myocardial infarction. Eur Heart J 2007;28:2525-2538.
12. White HD. Evolution of the definition of myocardial infarction: What are the implications of a new universal definition? Heart 2008;94:679-684.
13. Polanczyk CA, Schneid S, Imhof BV, et al. Impact of redefining acute myocardial infarction on incidence, management and reimbursement rate of acute coronary syndromes. Int J Cardiol 2006;107:180-187.
14. Salomaa V, Ketonen M, Koukkunen H, et al. The effect of correcting for troponins on trends in coronary heart disease events in Finland during 1993-2002: the FINAMI study. Eur Heart J 2006;27:2394-2399.
15. Salomaa V, Koukkunen H, Ketonen M, et al. A new definition for myocardial infarction: what difference does it make? Eur Heart J 2005;26:1719-1725.
16. Hochholzer W, Buettner HJ, Trenk D, et al. New definition of myocardial infarction: impact on long-term mortality. Am J Med 2008;121:399-405.
17. Casals G, Filella X, Auge JM, Bedini JL. Impact of ultrasensitive cardiac troponin I dynamic changes in the new universal definition of myocardial infarction. Am J Clin Pathol 2008;130:964-968.
School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
The accurate diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is crucial for many reasons. For the practicing physician, the diagnosis has clear and directive therapeutic implications. For the hospital administrator, it has important influences on resource allocation and quality assurance. For the clinical trialist, it defines outcomes in studies of new therapies. For the epidemiologist, case definitions are essential for understanding incidence and prevalence and for monitoring disease trends in the population. However, despite its importance, the definition of AMI is in flux, leading to ambiguity and confusion for clinicians, administrators, trialists and epidemiologists.
Common case-criteria for AMI developed in the 1960s from a need to establish heart disease registries. Most of these efforts focused on discharge diagnoses and retrospective surveillance. The criteria became the widely used 'World Health Organization (WHO) criteria' [1,2], and included a triad of elements: classical symptoms, enzyme elevation and electrocardiographic (ECG) changes, particularly the newly developed Q-waves. But these were ambiguous ‘criteria’, enabling clinicians and investigators to use them as they saw fit, and yet still claim to be using the WHO standard. This ambiguity meant that comparisons of AMI between centers and over time were difficult and often invalid.
The field advanced in the 1980s with the advent of large surveillance projects that developed explicit definitions for symptoms, enzyme levels and ECG patterns. The WHO MONICA (multinational MONItoring of trends and determinants in CArdiovascular disease) study and parallel efforts in the United States exemplified this advance [3,4].
Unfortunately, the discharge diagnoses approach and retrospective chart abstraction used in these trials did not allow for an immediate diagnosis, which is needed for acute therapy, where clinicians must make decisions with limited information. Furthermore, the changing presentation of AMI was not taken into account, and the various new biomarkers were not used.
Changing treatments
The emergence of acute reperfusion therapies implied a need for rapid diagnosis. Thrombolysis and percutaneous angioplasty, early treatment interventions designed to restore blood flow, were highly effective but only when performed within hours of the onset of symptoms.
New biomarkers
The advent of new biomarkers, specifically troponins, also dramatically altered the field. Troponins are highly sensitive and specific blood markers of cardiac myocyte damage [5-7]. In comparison with older enzyme markers such as lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), creatine kinase (CK) and CK isoenzyme MB, they represent a ‘sea change’ in diagnosis, because they allow smaller infarcts to be detected - and to be detected more quickly.
Changing presentation
Finally, the presentation of the disease began to change as traditional Q-wave infarctions diminished and a more subtle form of ECG-based AMI became prevalent [8].
This combination of clinical needs, improved diagnostic technology and changes in the presentation led to widespread interest in revising the diagnostic criteria for AMI, resulting in a series of new and widely endorsed AMI definitions.
In 2000, a joint working group of the European Society of Cardiology and American College of Cardiology developed a statement on the redefinition of myocardial infarction [9]. It addressed both the need for a more rapid diagnosis and the advent of new biomarker technologies. It also suggested that diagnostic imaging would play a role in case definitions.
Later on, in 2003, an American Heart Association (AHA), WHO and US National Institutes of Health (NIH) group put forward definitions necessary for population surveillance of cardiovascular disease [10]. These epidemiological criteria focused on longer-term surveillance issues, in which consistency of case definition is crucial. The group also considered comparisons between modern and earlier enzyme-defined cases.
Most recently, in 2007, a combined group of all these organizations discussed a universal definition of myocardial infarction. It refined and better described a number of clinical situations in which myocardial infarction might be considered, including inadequate oxygen supply, trauma, and myocardial infarction associated with cardiac procedures [11].
The results of the technological advances and the new definitions are dramatic. A number of studies have demonstrated that the use of troponins can lead to substantial increases in the number of patients hospitalized with AMI. In one study, using troponin as a biomarker instead of CK or CK-MB resulted, respectively, in a 0-320% or 3.9-195% increase in AMI hospitalizations [12].
These differences are debated in the literature, but most investigators suggest that using troponin as a biomarker results in the detection of milder myocardial infarctions [13-15]. These ’small‘ AMIs nonetheless carry prognostic significance, because long-term follow-up demonstrates that even minor perturbations are associated with increased long-term mortality [16].
This trend will be enhanced by the advent of ultrasensitive cardiac troponin markers, which enable clinicians to reliably detect even lower levels of troponin [17]. One result of more sensitive markers is the revelation that a mild elevation in troponins is associated with other cardiac and non-cardiac diseases. These include a variety of pathologies, from heart failure to pulmonary embolisms and renal failure. In addition, extreme exertion is associated with a mild elevation in troponins [11]. These observations add confusion to the field.
Given these recent changes, what are reasonable recommendations? It is apparent that the contemporary diagnosis of AMI is driven by biomarkers, specifically troponins. Using these markers in combination with symptoms will result in the diagnosis of AMI even in the setting of negative cardiograms. For the emergency reperfusion situation, a single biomarker and/or cardiographic changes might be all that is available and adequate to make a diagnosis for reperfusion treatment. For monitoring disease trends and for trials, multiple markers - at least 2 - in an ascending or descending pattern in association with symptoms are essential for making the diagnosis.
In the future, we will see a continuing evolution of the definition of AMI as more sensitive measures of myocardial damage emerge. Disease rates will rise in the setting of milder cases, as a result of more-sensitive measures. These changes should provide direction for clinicians to implement the most effective therapies for their patients, based on an improved understanding of the underlying pathophysiology. For those interested in disease outcomes, a continuing evolution of data-based criteria is needed.
1. Weinstein BJ, Epstein FH. Comparability of criteria and methods in the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease. Report of a survey. Circulation 1964;30:643-653.
2. World Health Organization. Working group on the establishment of ischaemic heart disease registers: Report of the fifth working group. 1971; WHO Report No. Eur 8201(5); Copenhagen.
3. Gillum RF, Folsom A, Luepker RV, et al. Sudden death and acute myocardial infarction in a metropolitan area, 1970-1980. The Minnesota Heart Survey. N Engl J Med 1983;309:1353-1358.
4. Tunstall-Pedoe H, Kuulasmaa K, Amouyel P, et al. Myocardial infarction and coronary deaths in the World Health Organization MONICA Project. Registration procedures, event rates, and case-fatality rates in 38 populations from 21 countries in four continents. Circulation 1994;90:583-612.
5. Apple FS. Cardiac troponin monitoring for detection of myocardial infarction: Newer generation assays are here to stay. Clinica Chimica Acta 2007;380:1-3.
6. Apple FS, Jesse RL, Newby LK, et al. National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry and IFCC Committee for Standardization of Markers of Cardiac Damage Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines: Analytical issues for biochemical markers of acute coronary syndromes. Clin Chem 2007;53:547-551.
7. Saenger AK, Jaffe AS. Requiem for a heavyweight: the demise of creatine kinase-MB. Circulation 2008;118:2200-2206.
8. Crow RS, Hannan PJ, Jacobs DR Jr, et al. Eliminating diagnostic drift in the validation of acute in-hospital myocardial infarction - implication for documenting trends across 25 years: the Minnesota Heart Survey. Am J Epidemiol 2005;161:377-388.
9. Alpert JS, Thygesen K, Antman E, Bassand JP. Myocardial infarction redefined - a consensus document of The Joint European Society of Cardiology/American College of Cardiology Committee for the redefinition of myocardial infarction. J Am Coll Cardiol 2000;36:959-969.
10. Luepker RV, Apple FS, Christenson RH, et al. Case definitions for acute coronary heart disease in epidemiology and clinical research studies: a statement from the AHA Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; AHA Statistics Committee; World Heart Federation Council on Epidemiology and Prevention; the European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Epidemiology and Prevention; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Circulation 2003;108:2543-2549.
11. Thygesen K, Alpert JS, White HD; Joint ESC/ACCF/AHA/WHF Task Force for the Redefinition of Myocardial Infarction. Universal definition of myocardial infarction. Eur Heart J 2007;28:2525-2538.
12. White HD. Evolution of the definition of myocardial infarction: What are the implications of a new universal definition? Heart 2008;94:679-684.
13. Polanczyk CA, Schneid S, Imhof BV, et al. Impact of redefining acute myocardial infarction on incidence, management and reimbursement rate of acute coronary syndromes. Int J Cardiol 2006;107:180-187.
14. Salomaa V, Ketonen M, Koukkunen H, et al. The effect of correcting for troponins on trends in coronary heart disease events in Finland during 1993-2002: the FINAMI study. Eur Heart J 2006;27:2394-2399.
15. Salomaa V, Koukkunen H, Ketonen M, et al. A new definition for myocardial infarction: what difference does it make? Eur Heart J 2005;26:1719-1725.
16. Hochholzer W, Buettner HJ, Trenk D, et al. New definition of myocardial infarction: impact on long-term mortality. Am J Med 2008;121:399-405.
17. Casals G, Filella X, Auge JM, Bedini JL. Impact of ultrasensitive cardiac troponin I dynamic changes in the new universal definition of myocardial infarction. Am J Clin Pathol 2008;130:964-968.
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